People with Red Wine Cheers

The incredible health benefits of wine

Glynis BarberDiary 5 Comments

Following on from my previous video about wine, I’ve now had a chance to talk to the author of “The very good news about wine” himself. What Tony Edwards, a science writer and investigative health journalist, had to tell me, is nothing short of miraculous. Drunk moderately, wine has incredibly beneficious properties and even protective ones against some of the …

Zoë Harcombe and Glynis Barber

Is there a connection between red meat & type 2 diabetes?

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health Leave a Comment

In October 2023, a study came out of Harvard claiming that eating red meat can put you at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Hang on a minute? What?? It’s well known that eating excessive carbohydrates and sugary treats can lead to this diagnosis, but meat? Red meat contains no glucose or carbs This study made no sense to …

Sugar Spoon Split Colour

How to curb sugar cravings

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health Leave a Comment

After posting about natural alternatives to sugar, it seems a good time to talk about sugar itself. Over consumption can have huge repercussions on our health, but it’s not always easy to avoid. For one thing, sugar is addictive in a similar way to alcohol and nicotine. In the article below, Shabir Daya, pharmacist at Victoria Health, looks at the …

Apple Unpeeled

The health and beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition Leave a Comment

We all need apple cider vinegar in your our lives. I’ve done a few videos on how, by consuming some in water before a big meal, it’ll help keep glucose spikes in check. And nobody wants big glucose spikes, trust me. Today, Shabir Daya ( pharmacist at Victoria Health ), writes about it’s long history and amazing benefits. He explains …


The glucose/depression connection (video)

Glynis BarberHealth 1 Comment

There is now increasing evidence of a connection between mood and blood glucose levels. Every time we eat our blood glucose levels are raised. However, depending on what we eat and what order we eat it in, our levels can be very erratic and get raised too high. And this can worsen depressive symptoms and affect mood. It can also …

Smiling Woman with Green Juice

Fast health

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 1 Comment

Fasting has been practised for thousands of years – sometimes for religious reasons, sometimes as a result of famine and sometimes by choice. And it turns out that, whatever the reason for going on a fast, it is hugely beneficial to health, reducing obesity and even reversing conditions such as type 2 diabetes. If only fasting wasn’t so gruelling to …

Cataract Scanning at Opticians

6 Tips to Prevent Cataracts

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

Cataracts are not the most glamorous subject I know, but when you consider it’s the leading cause of blindness in people over 40 (isn’t 40 way too young for such a thing??) and that you will have a one in two chance of getting them by the age of 80, it’s worth having a closer look to find out if …

Good Oral Health Smile

Improve your health through good oral health

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

Today we are looking at health from a different perspective. From inside our mouths to be specific. Yup that’s right. Our mouths can harbour all kinds of bacteria if not looked after properly and this can lead to problems to our health generally. Luckily we have Grace Clark (who works in the dental field) to tell us all about it …