People with Red Wine Cheers

The incredible health benefits of wine

Glynis BarberDiary 5 Comments

Following on from my previous video about wine, I’ve now had a chance to talk to the author of “The very good news about wine” himself. What Tony Edwards, a science writer and investigative health journalist, had to tell me, is nothing short of miraculous. Drunk moderately, wine has incredibly beneficious properties and even protective ones against some of the …

Runner Tying Trainer Shoelaces

How exercise can treat depression

Glynis BarberFitness & Exercise, Health 1 Comment

It’s well known that exercise is good for mood as it releases feel good endorphins. The latest research, however, goes a lot further and claims that exercise is better for our mental health than even medication or counselling. It found that exercise can help alleviate anxiety, depression and stress. And that the benefits should be seen within 12 weeks. There …

Woman Playing Guitar

The incredible health benefits of music

Glynis BarberHealth 3 Comments

Listening to music is (usually) a very enjoyable past time. Of course we all have wildly different tastes in music and one man’s rock and roll is another man’s country and western. But when we listen to our favourite kind of music, there’s no doubt that it’s a pleasurable and relaxing experience. We lose ourselves in it and go into …

How to protect yourself against dementia

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

Dementia and in particular Alzheimer’s, it’s most common and severe form, has reached epidemic proportions in the older members of the world population. And evidence suggests the trend is increasing. Statistically the risk of getting dementia is staggeringly high A recent meta-analysis reported that the global prevalence of dementia is between 5 and 7% for those over 60. For those …

Fruits and Vegetables with Vitamin B

The beauty of B vitamins

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements 3 Comments

I’ve always associated B vitamins with stress. During difficult times of life, pop a B vit to help you feel better. Now recent research shows just how important and far reaching these vitamins are. One of the main benefits is maintaining cognitive abilities, in particular as we age.  B vitamins can offer remarkable protection The following symptoms could be a …

Unhappy Cappuccino

Keep calm and carry on?

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

We live in a very stressful world and it would appear to be getting the better of a lot of us. Stress and all its associated conditions – like anxiety and depression – are now in epidemic proportions. To understand why, we need to look at what stress is and its evolutionary purpose. Put simply, stress is the body’s reaction …