People with Red Wine Cheers

The incredible health benefits of wine

Glynis BarberDiary 5 Comments

Following on from my previous video about wine, I’ve now had a chance to talk to the author of “The very good news about wine” himself. What Tony Edwards, a science writer and investigative health journalist, had to tell me, is nothing short of miraculous. Drunk moderately, wine has incredibly beneficious properties and even protective ones against some of the …

Vegetable Oil Pouring

Why is everyone talking about vegetable oils?

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 9 Comments

There’s a new bad boy on the block. Just when we thought sugar was as bad as it could possibly get, this bad boy could be even MORE detrimental to our health and wellbeing. The murmurings about vegetable and seed oils began in earnest about the same time as the pandemic started and are now being shouted about all over …

Healthy Sweetener in Bowl and Spoon with Violet Flowers

The healthy sweetener

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 1 Comment

We all know by now (surely??) that sugar is detrimental to health and can lead to weight gain, diabetes and god knows what else. To circumnavigate this unfortunate fact, who hasn’t tried out alternative sweeteners convinced that they’re much better for our health?  Maple syrup anyone? Or how about honey, dates, coconut nectar, fructose or maybe agave syrup? But are …