People with Red Wine Cheers

The incredible health benefits of wine

Glynis BarberDiary 5 Comments

Following on from my previous video about wine, I’ve now had a chance to talk to the author of “The very good news about wine” himself. What Tony Edwards, a science writer and investigative health journalist, had to tell me, is nothing short of miraculous. Drunk moderately, wine has incredibly beneficious properties and even protective ones against some of the …

Glycine Formula

The amino acid that can extend lifespan

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements 4 Comments

There’s a non-essential (meaning your body can make it) amino acid called glycine, that has some staggering benefits. However, as with so many things, as we age, our body is unable to make enough of it. And you definitely don’t want that to happen. Even though I’m a strong believer and taker of supplements, I didn’t know much about glycine …

The sunshine vitamin

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements Leave a Comment

Vitamin D deficiency is epidemic around the world. This fact is startling on many levels. Sunlight after all is free (if a little sparse around these parts) and vitamin D is one of the cheapest supplements around. Vitamin D is probably the most vital vitamin for your health Every year, new research comes out finding  yet another amazing property about …

Looking Up and Forwards Smiling

Laugh yourself to health

Glynis BarberHealth 5 Comments

I really do love laughing so much that I’ve even been known to do it on stage which is very, very naughty of me. Mind you it’s amazing what you can get away with! So of course I had to do a bit of research and then do an article on it for Natural Health Magazine. The good news is …

Ginger, Lemon and Honey

The wonders of ginger

Glynis BarberHealth 1 Comment

As fate would have it, in the week leading up to posting this, I’ve been drinking ginger with hot water and Manuka honey, morning, noon and night. I think I’ve had more ginger in the last week than in my entire life. A combination of a very niggly cough and performing in the theatre means that my very life is …

Organic Green Vegetables

The Benefits of Eating Organic

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health Leave a Comment

It’s funny how resistant people can be to organic food, thinking it’s not much different to non organic food. Well I beg to differ. In my latest article for Natural Health magazine I look at the pros and cons. I’ve been walking the organic path for a long time now and in the early days it was a lonely one …