As Liz Earle said in our recent interview, sleep is not a passive activity. It’s a busy time for urgent repairing and replenishing. Good quality sleep is vital for good health, good mood and a clear brain. In today’s article, Shabir Daya ( pharmacist at Victoria Health ), talks about the effect that lack of sleep has on our skin. …
Affordable skincare that works wonders
I have often written about the Garden of Wisdom range from Victoria Health, formulated by pharmacist Shabir Daya. I loved the range because of it’s incredibly affordable price and it’s active and super effective ingredients. Well, it’s time to say goodbye because it’s been all but phased out. But fear not, it’s being replaced by something even better! Say hello …
Are you getting sufficient sleep?
Sleep is very important to us all. It’s vital for our health, mood and well-being and yet so many of us struggle to sleep well. It also seems to be something that can get worse with age. We tend to wake up earlier and earlier, no matter how late we go to bed. I’ve found that to sleep well, I …
Stress ages our skin
Is there anything that stress doesn’t affect? The answer is a resounding no and in this article, written by Shabir Daya, a pharmacist at Victoria health, it also ages us and in particular our skin. Yes I know, it’s a bit dispiriting but there IS hope The first takeaway from this is that managing stress needs to be a top …
Breathwork as therapy (video)
Deep breathing has long been used to counter stress and restore a Zen-like state. It activates the para-sympathetic nervous system and lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) levels. But so many of us don’t even think about how we breathe and are actually shallow breathers. And yet deep breathing has so many benefits. Breathing can calm down feelings of panic Wim Hof, …
The incredible health benefits of music
Listening to music is (usually) a very enjoyable past time. Of course we all have wildly different tastes in music and one man’s rock and roll is another man’s country and western. But when we listen to our favourite kind of music, there’s no doubt that it’s a pleasurable and relaxing experience. We lose ourselves in it and go into …
A survival guide to wearing PPE – Part 2
This week we continue looking at some of the issues that arise for frontline workers wearing PPE all day. These many issues can take their toll on skin, health and stress levels. We will be looking specifically at the immune system, sleep and wearing heavy equipment. Last week, with expert advice from pharmacist Shabir Daya and wellness expert Marie Reynolds, …
Keep calm and carry on?
We live in a very stressful world and it would appear to be getting the better of a lot of us. Stress and all its associated conditions – like anxiety and depression – are now in epidemic proportions. To understand why, we need to look at what stress is and its evolutionary purpose. Put simply, stress is the body’s reaction …
Why sleep is vital
We all know how terrible it feels not to have enough sleep. Our brains become fuzzy and don’t function properly, concentration becomes difficult and we start to crave sugary foods to try and get some energy. But the truth is that the real cost of being sleep deprived goes a lot further. And this is far from just being a …
Laugh yourself to health
I really do love laughing so much that I’ve even been known to do it on stage which is very, very naughty of me. Mind you it’s amazing what you can get away with! So of course I had to do a bit of research and then do an article on it for Natural Health Magazine. The good news is …
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