Forest Trees with Sunlight

The importance of melatonin

Glynis BarberHealth 4 Comments

Melatonin, the sun and sleep are all intrinsically linked. In today’s video I talk about how the sun has been demonised in recent years but is, in fact, vital to life and optimal health. I’ll post the video at the end of this article. So what is melatonin and why is it so important? Melatonin is a hormone that controls …

Glynis With Sun Glasses Against Skies

Why you need to ditch your sunglasses

Glynis BarberHealth 3 Comments

Oh yes I know, sunglasses are cool. You get to hide away while looking glamorous and enigmatic. And choosing the right pair is like choosing the right jeans or a knockout dress or coat. It’s an important fashion statement. But let’s look at what happens inside our bodies with and without them. What happens inside our body when we DON’T …

Doctor Face Mask PPE Fastening

A survival guide to wearing PPE – Part 2

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

This week we continue looking at some of the issues that arise for frontline workers wearing PPE all day. These many issues can take their toll on skin, health and stress levels. We will be looking specifically at the immune system, sleep and wearing heavy equipment. Last week, with expert advice from pharmacist Shabir Daya and wellness expert Marie Reynolds, …

Woman Yawning

Why sleep is vital

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

We all know how terrible it feels not to have enough sleep. Our brains become fuzzy and don’t function properly, concentration becomes difficult and we start to crave sugary foods to try and get some energy. But the truth is that the real cost of being sleep deprived goes a lot further. And this is far from just being a …

Time zone tiredness

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

It might be a bit of a first world problem but jet lag can be brutal and even ruin a trip. Jet lag equals serious sleep deprivation, which means that you simply can’t function normally – tricky if you have to work. Besides causing insomnia, jet lag can trigger a whole host of symptoms The tiredness alone can cause lethargy …