Red Wine Pour Into Glass

Some good news about alcohol

Glynis BarberDiary 2 Comments

Alcohol has had a bad rap in the last few years. For many years we were told of the French paradox, whereby the French who consume high amounts of dietary cholesterol and saturated fats, have low incidences of CHD (coronary heart disease).  It was often muted that this was because of their consumption of wine, in particular, red wine. Now …

Heartburn Letters

Natural remedies for heartburn

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

I count myself very fortunate that so far I have never suffered from heartburn or acid reflux. However I understand that it’s not only a common complaint but also a very uncomfortable one. Many people are forced to consult their doctor and are often prescribed Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s). However these medications are only meant for short term use which …

Liver Puzzle

Is it time to detox your liver?

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements 2 Comments

The last few months have seen us spending a LOT more time at home. And it looks like this winter we’ll all be spending even more time at home. I wonder if anyone will ever actually leave their house again?? And with not much to look forward to, it’s no surprise people are drinking much more than they used to. …

Time zone tiredness

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

It might be a bit of a first world problem but jet lag can be brutal and even ruin a trip. Jet lag equals serious sleep deprivation, which means that you simply can’t function normally – tricky if you have to work. Besides causing insomnia, jet lag can trigger a whole host of symptoms The tiredness alone can cause lethargy …

Cataract Scanning at Opticians

6 Tips to Prevent Cataracts

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

Cataracts are not the most glamorous subject I know, but when you consider it’s the leading cause of blindness in people over 40 (isn’t 40 way too young for such a thing??) and that you will have a one in two chance of getting them by the age of 80, it’s worth having a closer look to find out if …

Feeling Thirsty

Need a drink?

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health Leave a Comment

The subject of this article (first published in Natural Health magazine) is a very important aspect of my book The In-Sync Diet written with nutritionist Fleur Borelli. Who would have known that drinking water incorrectly or not having enough of it can actually make you fat? But as Fleur explains it (based on very recent and new information) when we …