Ora Nadrich and Glynis Barber

Navigating world chaos mindfully

Glynis BarberStress Management 1 Comment

I sit down with mindfulness author, Ora Nadrich, to talk about her most recent book “Time to Awaken”. The world has changed with warp speed in the last few years and many people are now struggling with both their mental health and their physical health. How on earth are we meant to process the current upheaval in the world? Everything …

Glynis Barber and Ora Nadrich

Control your negative and fear-based thoughts

Glynis BarberStress Management 2 Comments

I recently met up with Mindfulness author, Ora Nadrich to talk about her “Says Who” method, based on her successful book of that name. The question is who exactly is that speaking in our heads? And who has control of that voice and the dialogue? According to Ora we do. We are in control of our internal dialogue Through a …

Woman Meditating Cross Legged From Above

How to practice mindfulness

Glynis BarberStress Management Leave a Comment

Ora Nadrich is one of the world’s most respected mindfulness authors and according to Book Authority, her book “Live True” is one of the top hundred mindfulness books of all time. I’ve known Ora for many years and can attest to her authenticity and practising what she preaches. She is a person filled with empathy, spirituality and is driven to …

Busy Station

Rein in your mind to live more consciously

Glynis BarberStress Management 2 Comments

Ora Nadrich is a pioneering Mindfulness expert and coach, and also happens to be a dear friend.  She is the author of Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever, and Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, named “one of the 100 Best Mindfulness Books of All Time” by BookAuthority. She has always been a seeker …

Get high from the feel-good drugs our bodies create

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

Getting high sounds quite tempting doesn’t it? Tempting, but dangerous and full of pitfalls. However there is nothing that beats the natural high we get from being in tune with ourselves and sitting in harmony with the world. Not easy in these troubled times. Today Ora Nadrich, my dear friend and also a life coach and mindfulness teacher and author …

Glynis on Sofa

Breathing exercise for anxiety (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management 3 Comments

Anxiety and stress can be very debilitating and I know because I’ve suffered from both at various times. The last year, since the start of the pandemic and multiple lockdowns, has been a challenging one. People who have never had anxiety have started suffering from it and people who already had it, found their condition worsening. The UK is going …

Little Tree on Stump in Lake

Beat the 2020 blues with gratitude

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 3 Comments

Two thousand and twenty has been one helluva year. And the pandemic has just been one part of it, albeit the most fear-inducing part that has literally changed how we live. Add to this, massive civil unrest, political turmoil, global demonstrations and a huge loss of civil liberties. It feels like the world will never quite be the same again …

Use gratitude to make you happier

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 2 Comments

I heard recently that one of the best things you can do before you go to sleep, is to think of 3 things that you’re grateful for. This simple task apparently calms down the nervous system, reduces stress and sets the brain into a positive mindset before sleep making it more regenerative. That’s rather impressive don’t you think? Here I …

Woman Holding Hair

How to combat hairloss in women

Glynis BarberBeauty, Hair 4 Comments

The legendary Philip Kingsley (he coined the phrase “bad hair day”) founded his world renowned hair clinic and treated everyone from Audrey Hepburn to the regular man in the street. And he was loved by them all. Now his daughter Anabel is following in his footsteps and has become a trichologist herself. Here she gives us some valuable insight into …

Anti-age your brain

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management

There was a time when I used to meditate every single day and it made a huge difference to my life. In this recent column for Natural Health magazine I look at the incredible benefits of meditation. When you have an injury or don’t use your muscles, they begin to atrophy. This also happens to them with age unless you …