Heartburn Letters

Natural remedies for heartburn

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

I count myself very fortunate that so far I have never suffered from heartburn or acid reflux. However I understand that it’s not only a common complaint but also a very uncomfortable one. Many people are forced to consult their doctor and are often prescribed Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s). However these medications are only meant for short term use which …

Joan Kingsley and Glynis

A psychotherapist explains lockdown brain (video)

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

Following on from the recent articles by psychotherapist Joan Kingsley on lockdown brain, I had the chance to interview her in person for my brand new YouTube channel which launches today. It’s so different sitting down and chatting to someone as opposed to writing down the facts in an article. You never know what’s going to come up and of …

Woman Looking at Plate of Chocolate

Why has lockdown turned me into a chocolate guzzling insomniac?

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 5 Comments

Previously, psychotherapist Joan Kingsley explained what our brains are doing to cope with the pandemic and lockdown and why we feel so afraid. This time she looks at the many other symptoms of lockdown brain. Anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and the constant need to eat chocolate and sugary treats. You can read the first part here: Has lockdown …

Woman Sitting Cross Legged on Bed Reading Book

Has lockdown changed my brain?

Glynis BarberHealth 3 Comments

Why have we all been having weird dreams, feeling anxious and eating non-stop since the pandemic began? Here, Joan Kingsley, psychotherapist and leadership coach as well as author of The Fear Free Organization, explains what the hell is going on. Your brain on lockdown  For the past year Caroline and I have met for our weekly psychotherapy sessions over Zoom. Caroline …

Supplements in Spoon with Vegetables in Background Blurred

The supplements you need to be taking now

Glynis BarberDiary, Health, Supplements 13 Comments

I’ve always been a great believer in supplements for maintaining optimum health and if ever there was a time to start taking them, surely that time is now. It’s been widely acknowledged that good health is crucial to fighting off and surviving Covid. The most vulnerable are those with underlying conditions. Many of these conditions (diabetes, obesity) come from our …

Glynis and Elaine Burns

Podcast with Homespa Beauty

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

I was delighted to chat with the absolutely delightful Elaine Burns about all things Ageless on her Homespa Beauty Podcast. Elaine is a beauty therapist and make up artist with over 20 years of experience. She also has a hugely popular YouTube channel  (also called Homespa Beauty ) where she uploads how-to demos of beauty and holistic treatments and chats about …

Little Tree on Stump in Lake

Beat the 2020 blues with gratitude

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 3 Comments

Two thousand and twenty has been one helluva year. And the pandemic has just been one part of it, albeit the most fear-inducing part that has literally changed how we live. Add to this, massive civil unrest, political turmoil, global demonstrations and a huge loss of civil liberties. It feels like the world will never quite be the same again …

Liver Puzzle

Is it time to detox your liver?

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements 2 Comments

The last few months have seen us spending a LOT more time at home. And it looks like this winter we’ll all be spending even more time at home. I wonder if anyone will ever actually leave their house again?? And with not much to look forward to, it’s no surprise people are drinking much more than they used to. …

Marie Reynolds - Vegan C, Liver Rescue and Defend Bottles

Supplements you need right now

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements Leave a Comment

Marie Reynolds is a holistic skin expert who has brought out some amazing beauty products. I’m a huge fan of both her treatments and her products She also brought out a small supplement range which has been steadily growing and is now a very impressive and comprehensive range of products under the name MRL. This is great news on several …

Doctor Face Mask PPE Fastening

A survival guide to wearing PPE – Part 2

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

This week we continue looking at some of the issues that arise for frontline workers wearing PPE all day. These many issues can take their toll on skin, health and stress levels. We will be looking specifically at the immune system, sleep and wearing heavy equipment. Last week, with expert advice from pharmacist Shabir Daya and wellness expert Marie Reynolds, …

Googles and Mask PPE with Gloved Hands

A survival guide to wearing PPE – Part 1

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

This very strange situation we find ourselves in due to the pandemic and lockdown, has had an impact on both the mental and physical health of many people. However, for those on the front line having to wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) all day long, it’s much more extreme and the physical demands alone are enormous and extremely challenging. In …

Green Tea with Glass Pot

Green Tea

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 4 Comments

It’s the simple things that count at times like this. The quiet moments. The moments we take for ourselves or choose to share with someone we love. For me, one of the great pleasures of the long days we all face at the moment, is sitting down with a cup of tea. And it has to be green. Not only …