Joan Kingsley and Glynis

Tips for coming out of lockdown (video)

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

Following on from a previous video with psychotherapist Joan Kingsley about the effects of lockdown on our brains, she and I do a follow up talk about coming out of lockdown. For many people, staying at home in their tracksuits, having minimal personal contact with other people, has become the norm. Joan advises us to make the effort, get dressed …

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Why you need to protect yourself from EMFs

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

Let me start by explaining what EMFs actually are and where they come from. Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMF) are electric fields that bombard us from many different sources. There are four main types of EMF exposure: Electric fields (the E in EMF) from house wiring and corded appliances Magnetic fields (the M in EMF) from power lines, motors and transformers …