Woman in Meadow

The amazing benefits of nasal breathing

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

Most of the time, breathing is an unconscious act.  Some will breathe through their nose and some through their mouth. You may think it doesn’t matter which you do but it does. It’s estimated that 30-50% of people breathe through their mouth which means it’s not uncommon at all, but it’s nasal breathing we should be aiming for. Nasal breathing …

Aseem Malhotra and Glynis Barber

Why you need to break your sugar addiction (video)

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

In today’s video I sit down with cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra to talk about the thing we all love but that is also probably the very worst thing for us…….sugar! It’s a demon because it’s incredibly addictive and pleasurable to eat but over-consumption can lead to diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure (the single biggest factor in mortality). Dr Malhotra …

Get high from the feel-good drugs our bodies create

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

Getting high sounds quite tempting doesn’t it? Tempting, but dangerous and full of pitfalls. However there is nothing that beats the natural high we get from being in tune with ourselves and sitting in harmony with the world. Not easy in these troubled times. Today Ora Nadrich, my dear friend and also a life coach and mindfulness teacher and author …

Glynis With Sun Glasses Against Skies

Why you need to ditch your sunglasses

Glynis BarberHealth 3 Comments

Oh yes I know, sunglasses are cool. You get to hide away while looking glamorous and enigmatic. And choosing the right pair is like choosing the right jeans or a knockout dress or coat. It’s an important fashion statement. But let’s look at what happens inside our bodies with and without them. What happens inside our body when we DON’T …

Glynis Barber and Aseen Malhotra

Everything you need to know about cholesterol

Glynis BarberHealth 3 Comments

Everything you think you know about cholesterol is probable wrong. Cholesterol has been demonised and blamed for ill health and heart attacks for many years now. But did you know that without it you would die? Everything from your hormones to immune system are dependent on it. As we age, cholesterol actually becomes protective Yes that’s right. People over the …

Latte in Green Coffee Cup

How to transform your coffee and avoid the jitters

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health Leave a Comment

I do love my daily cupaccino. In fact it’s one of the things I most look forward to in my day ( the simple pleasures and all that ). However I have a very up and down relationship with the caffeine in coffee. The amount of caffeine in coffee is much higher than in tea The caffeine in tea, green …


How to stay healthy for free (video)

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

You’ve probably heard the term biohacking and are wondering what it is exactly? Instagram is chock full of biohackers who are dedicated to a super healthy lifestyle which often entails quite expensive treatments and products. I think most people are now very interested in keeping as healthy as possible but it can be a pricey business. Do you have to …

Photo of Pea Soup

#ThatGirl and the inversion of wellness

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

After doing a few interviews with hypnotherapist Zoë Clews, specially the one on the perfectionism crisis, it got me thinking about my own social media. So today in my video, I want to set the record straight as it’s important to me that I don’t give anyone the wrong impression. You can watch it here: YOUTUBE Zoë has also written …

Sprouts in Bowl

Why you need to embrace the sprout

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 4 Comments

I hate brussel sprouts. No, I mean really hate them. I literally cannot eat a cooked sprout. I mean why would I? They’re gross, right? This was me just a few short years ago. Now I do eat sprouts because I discovered a great way of serving them on a trip to California a few years back. They often eat …

Zoe Clews and Glynis Barber 02

The pressure to be perfect (video)

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

Perfectionsim is rife (in so small part thanks to social media) and for many has become an addiction. It’s also about control and can be linked to fear, lack of self esteem and feeling unworthy of love. It can make life very difficult and leave one feeling a failure if the impossible goal of being perfect isn’t reached. I sit …

Vegetable Oil Pouring

Why is everyone talking about vegetable oils?

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 9 Comments

There’s a new bad boy on the block. Just when we thought sugar was as bad as it could possibly get, this bad boy could be even MORE detrimental to our health and wellbeing. The murmurings about vegetable and seed oils began in earnest about the same time as the pandemic started and are now being shouted about all over …