The menopause is a big topic these days. Everyone seems to be talking about it which is a good thing. No more hiding the subject in the shadows and only talking in whispers or not at all. The menopause is a beast with many heads It can be mild or it can be quite life changing in it’s intensity. Some …
Let’s talk about collagen (video)
We tend to think of collagen as connected only with skin, hair and nails. However, collagen is the glue that holds everything together throughout the body. It’s probably the most important component of our biology. The surprising fact is that our collagen starts to diminish in our twenties By the time we reach our forties, this depletion really starts to …
How to medicate a bad back
I sit down and have another chat with physiotherapist, Leslie Abrahams, about bad backs. This time we discuss how to most effectively use over the counter medications. He explains how the body creates inflammation in order to heal injuries and that medications like anti-inflammatories can be counter productive if used incorrectly. The science and thinking on these have dramatically changed …
Foods that cause bone loss
As we age, we start to lose bone density and bone mass. This becomes especially true for women after the menopause when the process tends to speed up. Oestrogen is essential for healthy bones As this hormone diminishes, bones weaken. For this reason, women are more like to suffer from bone fractures when they’re older than men. But why do …
Meet the neurodiversity coach (video)
Sara-Louise Ackrill is on the autistic spectrum and has ADHD. She’s also a life coach and therapist. All her clients are neurodivergent and most are autistic. She’s able to help her clients in a way that a neurotypical coach would not be able to, added to which, she has a greater understanding about what help they need and why they …
Expert advice for a bad back (video)
Anyone who has suffered with a bad back knows how debilitating it can be. This is what happened to me recently and I ended up having to take a week off work, which is a first for me. I had an outpouring of sympathy on social media and literally thousands of people telling me about their own bad backs. This …
A taste of Ageless (video)
The Ageless YouTube channel was first launched in April 2021. Since then I have posted a video every single week. Sometimes it’s just me on my own talking about makeups that I like, skin products, diet, glucose spikes or on one occasion, how to peel a mango! I’ve tackled anxiety, breathing and even hydration. I’ve had the great privilege to …
The importance of melatonin
Melatonin, the sun and sleep are all intrinsically linked. In today’s video I talk about how the sun has been demonised in recent years but is, in fact, vital to life and optimal health. I’ll post the video at the end of this article. So what is melatonin and why is it so important? Melatonin is a hormone that controls …
The power of letting go (video)
Today I sit down with hypnotherapist Zoë Clews for a powerful discussion. There are very few people (if any) who have not had trauma, pain and challenges in their lives. We tend to hold on to the emotions that arise from this, which means we are doomed to feel the pain or grief over and over again. Zoë talks about …
The amazing benefits of nasal breathing
Most of the time, breathing is an unconscious act. Some will breathe through their nose and some through their mouth. You may think it doesn’t matter which you do but it does. It’s estimated that 30-50% of people breathe through their mouth which means it’s not uncommon at all, but it’s nasal breathing we should be aiming for. Nasal breathing …
Why you need to break your sugar addiction (video)
In today’s video I sit down with cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra to talk about the thing we all love but that is also probably the very worst thing for us…….sugar! It’s a demon because it’s incredibly addictive and pleasurable to eat but over-consumption can lead to diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure (the single biggest factor in mortality). Dr Malhotra …
Get high from the feel-good drugs our bodies create
Getting high sounds quite tempting doesn’t it? Tempting, but dangerous and full of pitfalls. However there is nothing that beats the natural high we get from being in tune with ourselves and sitting in harmony with the world. Not easy in these troubled times. Today Ora Nadrich, my dear friend and also a life coach and mindfulness teacher and author …