Mail on Sunday - Look This Good At 68 Collage

Ageless in the Mail on Sunday

Glynis BarberHealth 2 Comments

I was thrilled when the Mail on Sunday asked to feature my Ageless tips. What a great opportunity to spread my health, beauty and pro-ageing advice even further. Here it is in all it’s glory as published by them: Walk around barefoot, never think you’re old and yes…..indulge in the odd “tweakment” Just some of the simple rules Dempsey and …

Glynis Interviewed on This Morning

Ageless on This Morning

Glynis BarberBeauty, Health Leave a Comment

I was delighted to make an appearance on This Morning this week to talk about my favourite subject. Health and wellbeing have been my passion for many decades now They’d asked me to give my top tips for looking good at any age. I think they thought I would talk about beauty treatments and some quick fixes to turn back …

S Magazine Cover

Glynis talks to S Magazine

Glynis BarberDiary Leave a Comment

I was recently on the cover of S Magazine (Sunday supplement in the Sunday Express). In the interview (which also appeared in the Sunday Mirror), I talk about acting, Ageless and how I overcame anxiety with a very special breathing exercise, alongside some other techniques I’m posting the interview here as some people were not able to access it. In …

Zoe Clews and Glynis Barber

How social media is impacting us (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management Leave a Comment

I was inspired to sit down and talk to hypnotherapist Zoë Clews after she wrote an article about the Metaverse. Things are now moving so quickly and whether you’re interested in the subject or not, it’s hard to dismiss. If it doesn’t impact you personally, it’s bound to impact your children or grandchildren massively. Ignore the Metaverse at your peril …