Post It Notes of HRT

HRT vs bioidentical hormones

Glynis BarberHealth 6 Comments

The menopause is very much in the news these days. For the first time ever, it’s being spoken about openly and candidly. Menopause symptoms can vary wildly Some women sail through it and others suffer traumatic symptoms. Most women, however, will have some sort of symptoms. These can include hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, depression and joint pain. Hormone …

Glycine Formula

The amino acid that can extend lifespan

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements 4 Comments

There’s a non-essential (meaning your body can make it) amino acid called glycine, that has some staggering benefits. However, as with so many things, as we age, our body is unable to make enough of it. And you definitely don’t want that to happen. Even though I’m a strong believer and taker of supplements, I didn’t know much about glycine …

Runner Tying Trainer Shoelaces

How exercise can treat depression

Glynis BarberFitness & Exercise, Health 1 Comment

It’s well known that exercise is good for mood as it releases feel good endorphins. The latest research, however, goes a lot further and claims that exercise is better for our mental health than even medication or counselling. It found that exercise can help alleviate anxiety, depression and stress. And that the benefits should be seen within 12 weeks. There …

Zoe Clews and Glynis Barber

How hypnotherapy can help anxiety and depression

Glynis BarberStress Management 2 Comments

I sit down to talk once again with hypnotherapist Zoë Clews. This time we focus on anxiety and depression which is Zoë’s speciality. She describes anxiety as acting as a lid on emotions like grief, anger and sadness and in her work she seeks out these underlying issues and helps people to resolve them. More and more people are presenting …

Glynis Hypnotherapy

How hypnotherapy can help many issues (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management Leave a Comment

I’ve always been curious about all the many therapies available and have tried a quite a few of them. However, I’ve never tried hypnotherapy but know people who swear by it. So what are the issues that hypnotherapy can treat? When I began to research it, I was astonished at how many things that it claims to help. I think …


The glucose/depression connection (video)

Glynis BarberHealth 1 Comment

There is now increasing evidence of a connection between mood and blood glucose levels. Every time we eat our blood glucose levels are raised. However, depending on what we eat and what order we eat it in, our levels can be very erratic and get raised too high. And this can worsen depressive symptoms and affect mood. It can also …

Glynis on Orange on Sofa

Tips for handling anxiety (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management 3 Comments

Following on from my video of breathing exercises for anxiety reduction, I have now made a video with the strategies I myself have used to reduce anxiety. It’s a multifaceted approach which I firmly believe is the best way to go. There is sadly no magic wand or one thing that will overnight reduce anxiety and it’s important to use …

Woman Playing Guitar

The incredible health benefits of music

Glynis BarberHealth 3 Comments

Listening to music is (usually) a very enjoyable past time. Of course we all have wildly different tastes in music and one man’s rock and roll is another man’s country and western. But when we listen to our favourite kind of music, there’s no doubt that it’s a pleasurable and relaxing experience. We lose ourselves in it and go into …

Hand Emerging from Ocean

Natural help for depression and anxiety

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 3 Comments

Today I want to tell you about the most amazing supplement known as “the happiness herb”. I’ve been taking this myself for a few months now and I’ve never known anything quite like it. It’s particularly good for anxiety (which I’ve had bouts of over the last few years), depression and even insomnia. Thanks to this incredible herb, along with …

Cleaning Woman with Spray on Yellow Popart

Cleaning – better than Prozac

Glynis BarberHealth 11 Comments

It seems that under lockdown, we have a new national pastime. Just like exercise it lifts our mood, gives a feeling of deep satisfaction and is surprisingly addictive. Cleaning is our new passion Now I have always HATED cleaning. Whilst I love a clean and tidy house, I would do anything, including pay good money, to get someone to do …