It’s so not fair. Women’s skin ages faster than men’s and that’s a fact. And it’s all due to our hormones. Oestrogen in particular. Once it’s had it’s way with us, it just abandons all it’s wonderful and beneficial purposes and leaves us on the scrapheap, parched and devoid of collagen. Oestrogen is a bitch But are we going to …
Super dynamic skin products
I’m still using and loving my Garden of Wisdom (GOW) products and have now added some of their super active products to my regime. These are all designed to give your skin a real boost so that you get real and visible results. If you missed my first two articles about these amazing products just click on the links below: …
How active ingredients can transform your skin
Three months ago I went to the Harley Street Skin Clinic to go back on the Visia machine to see if the products they had prescribed for me had improved the wrinkles and sun damage that had showed up the time before. I had been shocked to see how my skin had aged I’d always thought my skin looked quite …
Year round skin protection
Yes I know most of us are heading into winter and it may seem an odd time to talk about sun protection but bear with me. I have only just discovered a very innovative and wonderful sunscreen range that offers year round protection. It’s called Evy and is unlike anything I’ve tried before. It may seem odd that cold, grey …
My skin under the microscope (Part 2) – The products
If you missed Part 1 where my skin got analysed on the Visia machine and was found sadly wanting, just click here to catch up Part 1 After discovering my skin had bad UV damage, plenty of wrinkles due to a breakdown of collagen and needed work on getting a smoother, clearer texture, Jessica ( a skin consultant at The Harley …
My skin under the microscope (Part 1) – The reality
Way back in February, before lockdown, before the new corona virus turned our lives upside down, I found myself on Harley Street with an hour or so to kill. I decided to call in on the lovely Lesley Reynolds, co-founder of The Harley Street Skin Clinic, to see if she had time for a cup of tea and a chin …
Supplements you need right now
Marie Reynolds is a holistic skin expert who has brought out some amazing beauty products. I’m a huge fan of both her treatments and her products She also brought out a small supplement range which has been steadily growing and is now a very impressive and comprehensive range of products under the name MRL. This is great news on several …
The hero beauty products you need in lockdown
As we all sit here in lockdown, with our beloved hairdressers and beauty salons closed, we are left to our own devices. Now none of us, I should imagine, are much bothered by our appearance at the moment. However we still want to have nice looking skin and don’t want everything to completely go to seed. I doubt anyone wants …
My facial rejuvenation – part 3
In part 1 we spoke about my first Hifu treatment in May ’19. I was very excited as I had heard about people getting amazing results. I then started the 6 month wait for results. Read part 1 Three months later in August ’19 I went for my Hifu top up that is part of the treatment. I was treated …
My facial rejuvenation – part 2
Three months since I began my skin rejuvenation with my first Hifu treatment! I know that I need patience as collagen takes time to renew, which is just as well as so far I can see no change whatsoever. Patience has never been my strong point but I’m feeling optimistic about this as have heard such good things about Hifu. …
My facial rejuvenation – part 1
Time catches up with us all at some stage. Since turning 60 I can definitely see an escalation in the ageing of my skin. This is, of course, only natural but doesn’t mean I have to sit back and just accept it. There are now so many treatments that are non-surgical, non-invasive or semi-invasive that there is actually quite a …
Collagen for vegans
Collagen is absolutely vital to your skin and how it will age. In fact it’s important for every part of your body being the “glue” that holds everything together. However from our twenties our supply of collagen starts declining rapidly. Make no mistake your skin needs a healthy supply of collagen The body however, is unable to make collagen and …