Garden of Wisdon Products with Citrus

A guide to the best Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s)

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 1 Comment

With AHAs, BHAs, PHAs and many other intimidating acronyms in between, here is a breakdown of six fabulous hydroxy acids from the Garden of Wisdom (GOW) range, with an explanation of how their chemical exfoliation properties work beneath the dermal layer to help with skin concerns. From blemishes to brightening, collagen production and anti-aging, there is the perfect one for …

Garden of Wisdon - PHA Plus Serum

Meet the next generation of AHA’s

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 3 Comments

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s) were a revelation and literally life changing when they first appeared a few decades ago. They smooth and exfoliate skin without having to use an abrasive, physical scrub, leaving skin softer and smoother. And most are very gentle BUT they can cause irritation in some people. But now there’s a new generation of AHA’s Gentle and …


When it comes to exfoliation, go easy

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 2 Comments

I used to be the exfoliating queen. If you’re a similar vintage to me. you may remember those Japanese washing grains from the Body Shop? Who knows, maybe they still have them? It was like using sand paper on your skin. And I loved it. I would scrub away as hard as I could. The thought of it now makes …

Woman With Pink Roses

Protocol for lines around the mouth

Glynis BarberBeauty 3 Comments

Following my recent video chat with Dr Khan about what to do about the dreaded lines around the mouth, I thought I would itemise all his suggestions and look at them in more depth. Too much talking: Mmm well I think it’s best to just ignore this one, don’t you? Rude! Exfoliation: Now that’s better because it’s easy and something …

Aamer Khan with Glynis

Treatments for lines around the mouth (video)

Glynis BarberBeauty, Treatments 3 Comments

I’ve got a newfound pet hate. And yes you’ve guessed correctly, it’s those pernicious little lines around the mouth that are one minute barely there and the next, the hugest most unwanted feature on your face. It reminds me of my teen years when I got a spot and could literally think of nothing else. It felt like everyone who …

Aamer Khan with Glynis

Why ageing accelerates after the menopause (video)

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 4 Comments

It’s so not fair. Women’s skin ages faster than men’s and that’s a fact. And it’s all due to our hormones. Oestrogen in particular. Once it’s had it’s way with us, it just abandons all it’s wonderful and beneficial purposes and leaves us on the scrapheap, parched and devoid of collagen. Oestrogen is a bitch But are we going to …

My facial rejuvenation – part 2

Glynis BarberBeauty, Treatments Leave a Comment

Three months since I began my skin rejuvenation with my first Hifu treatment! I know that I need patience as collagen takes time to renew, which is just as well as so far I can see no change whatsoever. Patience has never been my strong point but I’m feeling optimistic about this as have heard such good things about Hifu. …