Zoe Clews and Glynis Barber

Hypnotherapy and trauma recovery (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management Leave a Comment

My last talk with hypnotherapist Zoe Clews about all the many issues hypnotherapy can help with and how it all works, garnered a lot of interest. So today I sit down for another video chat with her that is absolutely fascinating. Post traumatic growth is the upside of trauma I hadn’t heard of this before and found the whole concept …

Glynis Hypnotherapy

How hypnotherapy can help many issues (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management Leave a Comment

I’ve always been curious about all the many therapies available and have tried a quite a few of them. However, I’ve never tried hypnotherapy but know people who swear by it. So what are the issues that hypnotherapy can treat? When I began to research it, I was astonished at how many things that it claims to help. I think …

Glynis on Orange on Sofa

Tips for handling anxiety (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management 3 Comments

Following on from my video of breathing exercises for anxiety reduction, I have now made a video with the strategies I myself have used to reduce anxiety. It’s a multifaceted approach which I firmly believe is the best way to go. There is sadly no magic wand or one thing that will overnight reduce anxiety and it’s important to use …

Woman Sitting Up on Park Bench by Tree

Protect yourself from pandemic stress

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 2 Comments

To say we live in interesting times is an understatement. The world has become increasingly stressful over the last year and a half and there are many prominent scholars and scientists who think we have entered a dark era that will be unfavourably reviewed from those in the future. We all, of course, have our personal stresses that we handle …

Hand Emerging from Ocean

Natural help for depression and anxiety

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 3 Comments

Today I want to tell you about the most amazing supplement known as “the happiness herb”. I’ve been taking this myself for a few months now and I’ve never known anything quite like it. It’s particularly good for anxiety (which I’ve had bouts of over the last few years), depression and even insomnia. Thanks to this incredible herb, along with …

Joan Kingsley and Glynis

Tips for coming out of lockdown (video)

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

Following on from a previous video with psychotherapist Joan Kingsley about the effects of lockdown on our brains, she and I do a follow up talk about coming out of lockdown. For many people, staying at home in their tracksuits, having minimal personal contact with other people, has become the norm. Joan advises us to make the effort, get dressed …

Glynis on Sofa

Breathing exercise for anxiety (video)

Glynis BarberStress Management 3 Comments

Anxiety and stress can be very debilitating and I know because I’ve suffered from both at various times. The last year, since the start of the pandemic and multiple lockdowns, has been a challenging one. People who have never had anxiety have started suffering from it and people who already had it, found their condition worsening. The UK is going …

Joan Kingsley and Glynis

A psychotherapist explains lockdown brain (video)

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management Leave a Comment

Following on from the recent articles by psychotherapist Joan Kingsley on lockdown brain, I had the chance to interview her in person for my brand new YouTube channel which launches today. It’s so different sitting down and chatting to someone as opposed to writing down the facts in an article. You never know what’s going to come up and of …

Woman Looking at Plate of Chocolate

Why has lockdown turned me into a chocolate guzzling insomniac?

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 5 Comments

Previously, psychotherapist Joan Kingsley explained what our brains are doing to cope with the pandemic and lockdown and why we feel so afraid. This time she looks at the many other symptoms of lockdown brain. Anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and the constant need to eat chocolate and sugary treats. You can read the first part here: Has lockdown …

Little Tree on Stump in Lake

Beat the 2020 blues with gratitude

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 3 Comments

Two thousand and twenty has been one helluva year. And the pandemic has just been one part of it, albeit the most fear-inducing part that has literally changed how we live. Add to this, massive civil unrest, political turmoil, global demonstrations and a huge loss of civil liberties. It feels like the world will never quite be the same again …

Bowl of Beige Capsules

The stress busting benefits of Ashwagandha

Glynis BarberStress Management, Supplements Leave a Comment

There are certain herbs that are particularly good for stress called adaptogens. The benefits are huge as they could actually help your body adapt to stress and balance your system. One of the most popular of these is ashwagandha. A native to India, this herb has been used for thousands of years in both ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. It is …

Use gratitude to make you happier

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 2 Comments

I heard recently that one of the best things you can do before you go to sleep, is to think of 3 things that you’re grateful for. This simple task apparently calms down the nervous system, reduces stress and sets the brain into a positive mindset before sleep making it more regenerative. That’s rather impressive don’t you think? Here I …