Woman Looking at Plate of Chocolate

Why has lockdown turned me into a chocolate guzzling insomniac?

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 5 Comments

Previously, psychotherapist Joan Kingsley explained what our brains are doing to cope with the pandemic and lockdown and why we feel so afraid. This time she looks at the many other symptoms of lockdown brain. Anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and the constant need to eat chocolate and sugary treats. You can read the first part here: Has lockdown …

Little Tree on Stump in Lake

Beat the 2020 blues with gratitude

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 3 Comments

Two thousand and twenty has been one helluva year. And the pandemic has just been one part of it, albeit the most fear-inducing part that has literally changed how we live. Add to this, massive civil unrest, political turmoil, global demonstrations and a huge loss of civil liberties. It feels like the world will never quite be the same again …

Bowl of Beige Capsules

The stress busting benefits of Ashwagandha

Glynis BarberStress Management, Supplements Leave a Comment

There are certain herbs that are particularly good for stress called adaptogens. The benefits are huge as they could actually help your body adapt to stress and balance your system. One of the most popular of these is ashwagandha. A native to India, this herb has been used for thousands of years in both ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. It is …

Use gratitude to make you happier

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management 2 Comments

I heard recently that one of the best things you can do before you go to sleep, is to think of 3 things that you’re grateful for. This simple task apparently calms down the nervous system, reduces stress and sets the brain into a positive mindset before sleep making it more regenerative. That’s rather impressive don’t you think? Here I …

Anti-age your brain

Glynis BarberHealth, Stress Management

There was a time when I used to meditate every single day and it made a huge difference to my life. In this recent column for Natural Health magazine I look at the incredible benefits of meditation. When you have an injury or don’t use your muscles, they begin to atrophy. This also happens to them with age unless you …

Natural Ways To Cope With Stress

Glynis BarberStress Management 2 Comments

Stress is one of the hardest things to deal with in modern life. Unless you’re living on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere, you’ve probably been affected by the pressures and stresses of daily life. Add to that any other challenges (grief, illness, financial worries) and you can end up in quite a bad way resulting in …

Meditation in Field

The Value of Mindfulness

Glynis BarberStress Management Leave a Comment

Mindfulness is the catch phrase of the moment. But what is it exactly? Quite simply, mindfulness is another way of looking at the ancient practise of meditation. It’s a way of simplifying it and making it a part of everything you do as you go through your day. There is now indisputable scientific proof that meditation actually makes your brain …

Stilling the Mind

Meditation – Stilling The Mind

Glynis BarberStress Management 5 Comments

We’ve had an absolutely amazing response to Michaels’ meditation advice. He came up with this piece hot on the heels of his last one. I’m hoping this will be an ongoing, regular thing. He writes in a very free and easy style that completely reflects how he talks in the meditation sessions that he gives. It’s almost like he’s there …

Meditation is Easy – Part 2

Glynis BarberStress Management 10 Comments

Back by popular demand, some more meditation advice from Michael Brandon. Meditation remains one of the most potent tools against the ever growing tide of stress that threatens to overwhelm us (me included) and undermine our health and wellbeing. To my mind, deep breathing and meditation coupled with some sort of exercise are the very best tools you can use …