Meditation is Easy

Glynis BarberStress Management 18 Comments

I really don’t know what took me so long! Right under my nose, under my very feet is one of the best meditation teachers around….my husband. He may be an actor but he has also been a meditator for many decades. He has taught some of the toughest people on the planet in some of the toughest prisons in both …

Enough is Enough – Stress Solutions

Glynis BarberStress Management Leave a Comment

Stress is probably one of the most ageing things there is. Just look at presidents and prime ministers when they take office with shiny hair and optimistic faces and cut to 5 or so years down the line and there is a grey haired haggard looking individual. It can also take a serious toll on health. Here we have a …

Help for Anxiety Disorder

Glynis BarberStress Management 3 Comments

Stress is one of the scourges of our age. Most people feel stressed some of the time but many people feel it nearly all of the time. Living in a city is stressful, driving is stressful, working is stressful, not working is stressful and finances are most definitely stressful. This state of constant stress takes it’s toll on our general …