Cold sores can destroy a person’s confidence. Getting this uncomfortable and unsightly sore in the middle of one’s face (usually on the lips) can play havoc with everything from social life to work life. I used to get them on my ear which is such an unusual place that for years I didn’t know what it was. Neither did the …
Why muscles will help you live longer
When I was a child and used to do ballet, all my class mates had beautifully toned legs with shapely calves and thighs. I had two skinny little twigs and seemed incapable of developing muscle no matter what I did. I had muscle envy! And I still do. Some people (remember Madonna’s arms?) just look at a weight and get …
Ageless on This Morning
I was delighted to make an appearance on This Morning this week to talk about my favourite subject. Health and wellbeing have been my passion for many decades now They’d asked me to give my top tips for looking good at any age. I think they thought I would talk about beauty treatments and some quick fixes to turn back …
How I avoid viruses
The amount of viruses going around seem to be increasing year by year. And now we have the new kid on the block to add to the list. Covid and all it’s many variants, is clearly here to stay. I believe that it has never been more important to take care of one’s health, nurture a strong immune system and avoid …
The incredible benefits of Manuka honey
Honey has been used for millennia for it’s sweetness as well as it’s medicinal properties. However, there’s one very particular kind of honey that eclipses all others. Manuka honey is said to be a form of medicine It only comes from one country in the world, thanks to the Manuka bush which is native to New Zealand. But be warned, …
The golden supplement for hormones
They say that only two things in life are certain…death and taxes. But they are wrong. There’s a third one. Hormones! Remember puberty? Hormonal twenties? Period hormonal mood swings which vary from mild to murderous? And then…..drum roll…..there’s the menopause. It’s a never ending cycle and that’s a fact. When it comes to the menopause there is, of course, HRT. …
Is there a connection between red meat & type 2 diabetes?
In October 2023, a study came out of Harvard claiming that eating red meat can put you at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Hang on a minute? What?? It’s well known that eating excessive carbohydrates and sugary treats can lead to this diagnosis, but meat? Red meat contains no glucose or carbs This study made no sense to …
Glynis’ interview on the Elle Sera podcast
This week the tables were turned and I was the one being interviewed. Elissa Corrigan, the founder of Elle Sera (the golden supplement) wanted to talk health, ageing and career with me. I’ll be doing a follow up interview with her as well in a few weeks, to learn all about her amazing supplement. We had a great time, as …
My top supplements for winter
I’m often asked to share what supplements I take. Now, I do love a supplement, so probably take a LOT more than you would want to. With that in mind, I’m only going to list the ones that I think are essential, especially as we go into winter when immunity is a bit lower and viruses are everywhere. Supplements can …
Find the light for winter health
The sun may seem very far away during the winter but it’s still there, sending it’s healing rays through the thick cloud. And it’s absolutely vital for your health. Find the light to ward off SAD The morning light can help those that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The infrared and blue light emitted by the early morning sun is …
Is the sweetener erythritol safe to eat?
There’s sugar and then there are the many sweeteners out there. The good, the bad and the absolutely diabolical. I would categorise ALL artificial sweeteners as diabolical. I’ve written before about natural sweeteners and have learned from my talk with biochemist Sakiko (founder of sugar free chocolate brand NoMoSu) that they have many benefits and are by far the best …
A powerful and natural flu remedy
I thought I knew all there was to know about anti-viral supplements. For years I’ve been using olive leaf extract and oregano oil to great effect. I’ve withstood many a nasty virus outbreak with these trusty supplements and on the few occasions that I’ve succumbed, my illness was mild. And then Covid hit and the fear was real Some doctors …