I share the supplements I take to stay well I’ve always been a believer in active self-care. I began taking ownership of my health in my twenties and embarked on an organic diet and healthy lifestyle. People scoffed at me for eating organically at the time as they couldn’t see the point. Organic vegetables have the same nutritional content as …
Supplements I swear by
I am an enthusiastic supplement taker and am convinced that supplements have hugely benefited my health. Today I look at a new brand of supplements called DoSe, the same company that does amazing skincare products at very affordable prices. In the video below I show the four supplements I’ve been trialling and I’m extremely impressed with them all. Magnesium Complex …
My beauty philosophy
I recently did an interview for Sainsbury’s magazine. I’ve reproduced it here so you can have a look. There’s an image at the bottom of the page showing exactly how it appeared in the magazine.
How I avoid viruses
The amount of viruses going around seem to be increasing year by year. And now we have the new kid on the block to add to the list. Covid and all it’s many variants, is clearly here to stay. I believe that it has never been more important to take care of one’s health, nurture a strong immune system and avoid …
My top supplements for winter
I’m often asked to share what supplements I take. Now, I do love a supplement, so probably take a LOT more than you would want to. With that in mind, I’m only going to list the ones that I think are essential, especially as we go into winter when immunity is a bit lower and viruses are everywhere. Supplements can …
A survival guide to wearing PPE – Part 2
This week we continue looking at some of the issues that arise for frontline workers wearing PPE all day. These many issues can take their toll on skin, health and stress levels. We will be looking specifically at the immune system, sleep and wearing heavy equipment. Last week, with expert advice from pharmacist Shabir Daya and wellness expert Marie Reynolds, …
Heal your headache, naturally
Migraines are the third most prevalent illness in the world and are considered the most common disorder of the nervous system. They can be completely debilitating for sufferers and have a huge impact on their lives, affecting the ability to work. Frustratingly, there is still much to learn about migraines We do know that the majority of sufferers are aged …
The sunshine vitamin
Vitamin D deficiency is epidemic around the world. This fact is startling on many levels. Sunlight after all is free (if a little sparse around these parts) and vitamin D is one of the cheapest supplements around. Vitamin D is probably the most vital vitamin for your health Every year, new research comes out finding yet another amazing property about …
Salt: friend or foe?
Do you avoid adding any salt to your food because it’s bad for you? I did this for years but it turns out I wasn’t doing myself any favours. Salt is actually a vital part of our diet and it’s important that we include the right kind of salt in the right amounts. Find out all that you need to …
A New Take on Bone health
Osteoporosis is a real risk for most women and can have profound and debilitating effects. We’ve always been told to take calcium supplements as a preventative measure but it turns out it’s not quite as simple as that. In fact just taking calcium on it’s own can have an adverse effect. It would seem that it’s more beneficial to take …
Vitamin D has became widely recognised as crucial to our health after it turned out many people were deficient due to the wide spread use of sunblocks and/or avoidance of the sun. Now the next supplement getting lots of attention is magnesium. I discovered it a few years ago when it was suggested to me that it would help relax …