I recently met up with Mindfulness author, Ora Nadrich to talk about her “Says Who” method, based on her successful book of that name. The question is who exactly is that speaking in our heads? And who has control of that voice and the dialogue? According to Ora we do. We are in control of our internal dialogue Through a …
How to practice mindfulness
Ora Nadrich is one of the world’s most respected mindfulness authors and according to Book Authority, her book “Live True” is one of the top hundred mindfulness books of all time. I’ve known Ora for many years and can attest to her authenticity and practising what she preaches. She is a person filled with empathy, spirituality and is driven to …
A hero product for the lip area
Ageing is not for the fainthearted, that’s for sure. Besides the many health issues that can arise, one has to watch things happening to the face that one didn’t even know could happen. I thought the saggy jowls would be the worst of it, but no, there’s even worse. And that’s the lines that suddenly appear above the mouth. I …
Surviving February
I don’t know about you, but I find February tough. Very tough indeed. The one positive aspect is that there is light at the end of the tunnel and spring is within sight. But how do we not only survive the deepest part of winter, but actually thrive? In this article, pharmacist at Victoria Health, Shabir Daya, gives some simple …
Let’s talk about rosacea
Just a few short years ago, I had hardly even heard of rosacea. I wasn’t sure what it was and felt certain it wasn’t something I needed to know about. But the fact is, with age, specially from the menopause onwards, rosacea becomes a more and more common condition. It turns out I have a mild form of rosacea A …
Stress ages our skin
Is there anything that stress doesn’t affect? The answer is a resounding no and in this article, written by Shabir Daya, a pharmacist at Victoria health, it also ages us and in particular our skin. Yes I know, it’s a bit dispiriting but there IS hope The first takeaway from this is that managing stress needs to be a top …
How I give my hair beach waves
I’ve been asked so many times to show how I do my hair and here it finally is. I’m no hair whizz, trust me, so I’ve put it off as long as I can. However, thinking about it, I think that’s a good thing because if I can do it, so can you. Of course it totally depends on your …
The amazing anti-redness serum
There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that, as we all know, with age comes a whole host of issues to deal with. When it comes to skin we are dealing with a skin tone that becomes more and more uneven (pigmentation anyone?) and a good dose of hormonal flushing. Pink may be a girl’s “favourite” colour, …
Get rid of the weight of expectation this Christmas
Christmas has a strange hold on so many of us. We often think of it as some sort of Disneyesque fairytale even though we know the reality is very different. And each year we think that it’ll be different, that this year the perfect Christmas will be achieved. And therein lies the problem. If we are hoping for perfection then …
Is NAD the ultimate youth supplement? (video)
As we all know, levels of everything decline with age, from collagen to the ability to absorb nutrients to the ability of the body to mop up all the debris from inter cellular activity. But what if there was a supplement that worked at a cellular level to give cells the energy they need to carry out all their activities …
What kind of practitioner is best for back pain? (video)
I recently had a very bad episode with my back when it went into a spasm and left me in a huge amount of pain. I ended up having to take a week off work (a first in my career) and saw a LOT of my wonderful physiotherapist, Leslie Abrahams. Even with his incredible help and input, it took a …
Why our relationship with the media is toxic
Intro/About Zoe… Original article link. Could our relationship with the media by the most toxic in our lives? And if so, how is it affecting us? Hypnotherapist, Zoë Clews, takes a good look at this important subject and shows us how to create a healthy balance.