Liver Puzzle

Is it time to detox your liver?

Glynis BarberHealth, Supplements 2 Comments

The last few months have seen us spending a LOT more time at home. And it looks like this winter we’ll all be spending even more time at home. I wonder if anyone will ever actually leave their house again?? And with not much to look forward to, it’s no surprise people are drinking much more than they used to. …

Smiling Woman with Green Juice

Fast health

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 1 Comment

Fasting has been practised for thousands of years – sometimes for religious reasons, sometimes as a result of famine and sometimes by choice. And it turns out that, whatever the reason for going on a fast, it is hugely beneficial to health, reducing obesity and even reversing conditions such as type 2 diabetes. If only fasting wasn’t so gruelling to …

Get back In Sync

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 2 Comments

The In-Sync Diet may seem like a regular diet book, but that’s actually not the case. There’s so much more to a healthy weight and a healthy body and mind, than what we eat. Our bodies are made up of incredibly complex systems and they are all connected. If one part is out of sync, it affects all the other …