I share the supplements I take to stay well I’ve always been a believer in active self-care. I began taking ownership of my health in my twenties and embarked on an organic diet and healthy lifestyle. People scoffed at me for eating organically at the time as they couldn’t see the point. Organic vegetables have the same nutritional content as …
Supplements I swear by
I am an enthusiastic supplement taker and am convinced that supplements have hugely benefited my health. Today I look at a new brand of supplements called DoSe, the same company that does amazing skincare products at very affordable prices. In the video below I show the four supplements I’ve been trialling and I’m extremely impressed with them all. Magnesium Complex …
Are all multivitamins the same?
I’ve been an avid supplement taker for many years and believe it’s stood in me in very good stead. I have to confess, however, that I take a LOT of them and it’s cost me a small fortune over the years. I always intend to reduce the amount I take, but then I’ll read something about a vitamin I’m not …
The golden supplement for hormones
They say that only two things in life are certain…death and taxes. But they are wrong. There’s a third one. Hormones! Remember puberty? Hormonal twenties? Period hormonal mood swings which vary from mild to murderous? And then…..drum roll…..there’s the menopause. It’s a never ending cycle and that’s a fact. When it comes to the menopause there is, of course, HRT. …
Glynis’ interview on the Elle Sera podcast
This week the tables were turned and I was the one being interviewed. Elissa Corrigan, the founder of Elle Sera (the golden supplement) wanted to talk health, ageing and career with me. I’ll be doing a follow up interview with her as well in a few weeks, to learn all about her amazing supplement. We had a great time, as …
My top supplements for winter
I’m often asked to share what supplements I take. Now, I do love a supplement, so probably take a LOT more than you would want to. With that in mind, I’m only going to list the ones that I think are essential, especially as we go into winter when immunity is a bit lower and viruses are everywhere. Supplements can …
A powerful and natural flu remedy
I thought I knew all there was to know about anti-viral supplements. For years I’ve been using olive leaf extract and oregano oil to great effect. I’ve withstood many a nasty virus outbreak with these trusty supplements and on the few occasions that I’ve succumbed, my illness was mild. And then Covid hit and the fear was real Some doctors …
How to curb sugar cravings
After posting about natural alternatives to sugar, it seems a good time to talk about sugar itself. Over consumption can have huge repercussions on our health, but it’s not always easy to avoid. For one thing, sugar is addictive in a similar way to alcohol and nicotine. In the article below, Shabir Daya, pharmacist at Victoria Health, looks at the …
Vitamins for men over 40
Even though most of the health and wellbeing I write and talk about is for everyone, my focus is mostly on women. So, here is one specifically for the men. Written by pharmacist Shabir Daya, he looks at the supplements that could be of benefit to men as they age. Personally, I’m a big fan of supplementation However, it’s not …
The 3 superhero products for skin
Would you be surprised if I told you that the top 3 products for your skin are supplements rather than creams? I’ve spoken before about how I, personally, would take Rejuvenated’s Collagen Shots over any skin product, as it works from the inside out. Collagen Shots helps to maintain collagen levels These deplete rapidly with age, affecting so many things, …
Is NAD the ultimate youth supplement? (video)
As we all know, levels of everything decline with age, from collagen to the ability to absorb nutrients to the ability of the body to mop up all the debris from inter cellular activity. But what if there was a supplement that worked at a cellular level to give cells the energy they need to carry out all their activities …
Let’s talk about collagen (video)
We tend to think of collagen as connected only with skin, hair and nails. However, collagen is the glue that holds everything together throughout the body. It’s probably the most important component of our biology. The surprising fact is that our collagen starts to diminish in our twenties By the time we reach our forties, this depletion really starts to …