Exercise is one of the greatest things we can do for both our health and our mental well being. But it’s not always easy to find the time in our busy lives to do it consistently. This, often coupled with a lack of motivation, can lead to us doing little or no exercise at all. Say hello to exercise snacking …
6 life-changing lessons I learned in 2024
A challenging year resulted in a crash course in life lessons for me. Here’s my latest article which also appeared in Hello this week. No matter our age, we never stop learning – and this has been truer than ever for me in 2024, a year that has seen me learn many life-changing lessons. Some of this year’s lessons have …
How this olympian stays fit in her 60’s
It’s not every day that you get to talk to a gold medal Olympic athlete, so it’s a real honour to interview Tessa Sanderson CBE. She has broken multiple records and has been the first in her field in many instances. The first black woman to win Olympic gold in Britain In 1984 Tessa won gold for javelin throwing at …
The 7 daily habits that are my secret to feeling better than ever
My latest article for Hello is live! Below you will find at as published. Enjoy! Glynis Barber is an oracle when it comes to health and wellbeing. As the creator of her website, Ageless by Glynis Barber, the 68-year-old imparts pearls of wisdom on everything from her beauty routine to the supplements she takes and the exercise she favours. In …
My beauty philosophy
I recently did an interview for Sainsbury’s magazine. I’ve reproduced it here so you can have a look. There’s an image at the bottom of the page showing exactly how it appeared in the magazine.
How I reduced my exercise regime and remained fit
Exercise has never been a chore for me. It’s how I start my day and I look forward to it, which I know some people will find hard to believe. Just a few short years ago I had quite a weekly routine. I would do two yoga classes, at least one long hike and between four to six gym sessions …
Ageless on This Morning
I was delighted to make an appearance on This Morning this week to talk about my favourite subject. Health and wellbeing have been my passion for many decades now They’d asked me to give my top tips for looking good at any age. I think they thought I would talk about beauty treatments and some quick fixes to turn back …
An interview on career, marriage & navigating ageing
I recently did an interview for Best magazine and besides the usual, they also asked me for tips on ageing. It therefore seemed only right that I share it here on Ageless. Read below:
My top tips for looking and feeling young
I did giggle the other day when someone on social media responded to a photo of me by saying how unfair it was that we were the same age but that he looked like he could be my father and I looked the same age as his daughter! Well, I don’t think fairness comes into it to be honest. How …
How exercise can treat depression
It’s well known that exercise is good for mood as it releases feel good endorphins. The latest research, however, goes a lot further and claims that exercise is better for our mental health than even medication or counselling. It found that exercise can help alleviate anxiety, depression and stress. And that the benefits should be seen within 12 weeks. There …
Expert advice for a bad back (video)
Anyone who has suffered with a bad back knows how debilitating it can be. This is what happened to me recently and I ended up having to take a week off work, which is a first for me. I had an outpouring of sympathy on social media and literally thousands of people telling me about their own bad backs. This …
As if there wasn’t enough to worry about, now there’s inflammaging. Or rather the low grade inflammation which causes ageing and also disease. As we age this becomes quite common and all sorts of health issues begin to appear, as well as lines and wrinkles setting in. This is one of the many reasons why an anti-inflammatory diet is key. This was one of the main …