My polynucleotide treatment

Glynis BarberBeauty, Treatments Leave a Comment

There’s a real buzz going around at the moment about a facial treatment using salmon DNA, formally known as polynucleotide. These are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. It involves injections of fragments of naturally sourced DNA (mostly fish) in targeted areas of the face to stimulate collagen and elastin. This helps to regenerate the skin, improve hydration as …

Glynis in circle with hourglass

How to improve your healthspan

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

Today there’s much talk about health span as opposed to longevity. It’s the amount of time we remain healthy in our lives, with a good quality of living. A very good thing to aspire to. There’s so much we can do to improve our health and therefore our health span. Just about everything I talk about on Ageless is geared …

Hello Magazine Glynis Skincare Routine Collage

How I upped my skincare routine after I turned 60

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 7 Comments

For many years, I used only pure and natural products on my skin, in keeping with my organic lifestyle. I loved the fact that I was eschewing chemicals, not only in my diet, but in my beauty routine as well. I thought that my skin was holding up rather well, but then two things happened. I turned sixty and I …

DoSe Ergothioneine Serum

Affordable skincare that works wonders

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 2 Comments

I have often written about the Garden of Wisdom range from Victoria Health, formulated by pharmacist Shabir Daya. I loved the range because of it’s incredibly affordable price and it’s active and super effective ingredients. Well, it’s time to say goodbye because it’s been all but phased out. But fear not, it’s being replaced by something even better! Say hello …

Glynis Showing The Glynis Barber Edit Products

My special skincare edit

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 4 Comments

ARK have asked me to choose my favourite products of theirs to create a special bundle with a very special discount for the Glynis Barber Edit I was thrilled as I love the ARK skincare range. And I knew exactly which ones I wanted. My favourite 3 products are ALL you need And that’s what I love about them. I don’t …

Glynis Interviewed on This Morning

Ageless on This Morning

Glynis BarberBeauty, Health Leave a Comment

I was delighted to make an appearance on This Morning this week to talk about my favourite subject. Health and wellbeing have been my passion for many decades now They’d asked me to give my top tips for looking good at any age. I think they thought I would talk about beauty treatments and some quick fixes to turn back …

Fractora Firm with Glynis and Therapist

My Fractora Firm treatment

Glynis BarberBeauty, Treatments Leave a Comment

A few years ago, I was regularly doing various radio frequency treatments and, in my opinion, they had a profound affect on my skin. The treatments slow down the rate of ageing of the skin You don’t get a particularly big result after a single treatment (although there is a noticeable but temporary tightening for a few days afterwards) but, …

Garden of Wisdon Products with Citrus

A guide to the best Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s)

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 1 Comment

With AHAs, BHAs, PHAs and many other intimidating acronyms in between, here is a breakdown of six fabulous hydroxy acids from the Garden of Wisdom (GOW) range, with an explanation of how their chemical exfoliation properties work beneath the dermal layer to help with skin concerns. From blemishes to brightening, collagen production and anti-aging, there is the perfect one for …


How to top up your collagen levels

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition, Health 2 Comments

Collagen has been called the glue that holds everything together. It’s a very important component of your bodies but our supplies of it decline rapidly with age, so we need to get collagen from the foods we eat or through supplementation. I mentioned in a instagram post that bone broth is a fantastic source of collagen and was surprised by …

Kathryn and Glynis

The 3 superhero products for skin

Glynis BarberBeauty, Supplements 2 Comments

Would you be surprised if I told you that the top 3 products for your skin are supplements rather than creams? I’ve spoken before about how I, personally, would take Rejuvenated’s Collagen Shots over any skin product, as it works from the inside out. Collagen Shots helps to maintain collagen levels These deplete rapidly with age, affecting so many things, …

Glynis and Kathryn

Let’s talk about collagen (video)

Glynis BarberBeauty, Health 2 Comments

We tend to think of collagen as connected only with skin, hair and nails.  However, collagen is the glue that holds everything together throughout the body. It’s probably the most important component of our biology. The surprising fact is that our collagen starts to diminish in our twenties By the time we reach our forties, this depletion really starts to …

Glynis Holding ARK Skincare Products

Say hello to a fantastic skincare range (video)

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 3 Comments

I’ve been searching for a skincare range that is in keeping with the Ageless ethos but that also fully addresses the issues of ageing, mature skin. And it’s not been easy. The completely natural products I tried did not give the results I wanted and the more efficacious ones were full of undesirable toxins that, to my mind, undermine any …