Exercise is one of the greatest things we can do for both our health and our mental well being. But it’s not always easy to find the time in our busy lives to do it consistently. This, often coupled with a lack of motivation, can lead to us doing little or no exercise at all. Say hello to exercise snacking …
How this olympian stays fit in her 60’s
It’s not every day that you get to talk to a gold medal Olympic athlete, so it’s a real honour to interview Tessa Sanderson CBE. She has broken multiple records and has been the first in her field in many instances. The first black woman to win Olympic gold in Britain In 1984 Tessa won gold for javelin throwing at …
How to get fit at any age
It’s so easy to give up on ourselves and our fitness as we get older. But today’s interviewee on my Ageless YouTube video, is living proof that this is not the way it has to be. Fiona Lambert, as she approached her 60th birthday, set herself the goal of getting into the best shape of her life. She wasn’t exactly …
How I reduced my exercise regime and remained fit
Exercise has never been a chore for me. It’s how I start my day and I look forward to it, which I know some people will find hard to believe. Just a few short years ago I had quite a weekly routine. I would do two yoga classes, at least one long hike and between four to six gym sessions …
Why muscles will help you live longer
When I was a child and used to do ballet, all my class mates had beautifully toned legs with shapely calves and thighs. I had two skinny little twigs and seemed incapable of developing muscle no matter what I did. I had muscle envy! And I still do. Some people (remember Madonna’s arms?) just look at a weight and get …
How exercise can treat depression
It’s well known that exercise is good for mood as it releases feel good endorphins. The latest research, however, goes a lot further and claims that exercise is better for our mental health than even medication or counselling. It found that exercise can help alleviate anxiety, depression and stress. And that the benefits should be seen within 12 weeks. There …
Is it safe to go back to the gym?
For many of us who like to exercise regularly, going to the gym is very much part of our routine. I was just about the only one left standing in my gym in the weeks leading up to lockdown, as it was eerily deserted. I knew that it was a risk but I wasn’t quite ready to let go. I …
Imagine a weekend where you can go and chill in the woods, rock out at a music festival AND do yoga, meditation, and dance as well as indulge in treatments like massage and reflexology? Sound heavenly? Welcome to FloVibe, the very first festival of it’s kind On top of this there will be workshops of all descriptions and talks ranging …
Turn back the clock
Exercising is a beautiful gift to yourself. I know it doesn’t always seem that way and it just seems easier not to do it sometimes, but like all good things in life, it’s a discipline. And a little discipline can go a long way. If you want hard evidence that people who are active age better, just look at how …
What is the difference between Bikram & Hot Yoga?
After many years of doing regular Hatha and Ashtanga yoga, I noticed a Hot Yoga Studio had opened in my area and decided to give it a try. I wasn’t actually sure what it was to be honest. Is Hot Yoga basically Bikram but with a different name? I hoped not, because the one Bikram class I tried years ago, …
Strong and Sexy
Here, trainer Rhys Brooks, continues his tips for the gym. I don’t know about you but I’ve always been rather scared of heavy weights thinking they’ll either hurt me or make me look like a body builder, which is clearly ridiculous as it’s hard enough just to keep muscles looking toned! I’ve never even had a calf muscle despite doing …
Exercise and Fat Loss: The difference between staying fat and shifting fat
Anyone who has been following this site, following me on twitter or watching me on QVC with my yoga DVD, knows that my favourite sentence is…….exercise is the closest thing to an anti-ageing pill! I do very much believe this to be true and there is mounting evidence to support it. We’ve been looking a lot at diet in the …
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