I’m often asked to share what supplements I take. Now, I do love a supplement, so probably take a LOT more than you would want to. With that in mind, I’m only going to list the ones that I think are essential, especially as we go into winter when immunity is a bit lower and viruses are everywhere. Supplements can …
Vitamins for men over 40
Even though most of the health and wellbeing I write and talk about is for everyone, my focus is mostly on women. So, here is one specifically for the men. Written by pharmacist Shabir Daya, he looks at the supplements that could be of benefit to men as they age. Personally, I’m a big fan of supplementation However, it’s not …
Surviving February
I don’t know about you, but I find February tough. Very tough indeed. The one positive aspect is that there is light at the end of the tunnel and spring is within sight. But how do we not only survive the deepest part of winter, but actually thrive? In this article, pharmacist at Victoria Health, Shabir Daya, gives some simple …
Why is everyone talking about vegetable oils?
There’s a new bad boy on the block. Just when we thought sugar was as bad as it could possibly get, this bad boy could be even MORE detrimental to our health and wellbeing. The murmurings about vegetable and seed oils began in earnest about the same time as the pandemic started and are now being shouted about all over …
6 Tips to Prevent Cataracts
Cataracts are not the most glamorous subject I know, but when you consider it’s the leading cause of blindness in people over 40 (isn’t 40 way too young for such a thing??) and that you will have a one in two chance of getting them by the age of 80, it’s worth having a closer look to find out if …
Natural egg shell membrane
People always seem to think I’m ageing quite well and I suppose I am. But there’s one part of me that is seriously letting the side down. One part of me that is literally like a 90 year old. Is it the lines round my eyes? My jawline? Or maybe my upper arms are letting the side down?