I’m always looking for non invasive ways of tightening and improving skin. I have therefore happily spent the last few months trying some new (to me) skin tightening treatments. It’s been a manic year and I was feeling a bit worn out which never bodes well for your skin. What could be better than having a little skin rejuvenation? As …
Winter Health
Not only is my DNA out of Africa (same as us all) but I was actually born there too. This means I am not designed on any level to cope with an English winter. Funnily enough I would cope better I think, in one of those very cold countries that have lots of snow (pretty) and crisp blue skies (also …
How To Be Your Party Best For Christmas
I recently did the interview below for the Christmas edition of Good Housekeeping magazine. How to look and feel your best through the festive season. It’s a major challenge not to overindulge at this time of year and most of us end up feeling bloated, sluggish and a good few pounds heavier. But it doesn’t have to be like that. …
An Easy Way To Revitalise Your Skin
If you’re anything like me, the skin on your body is completely different to your facial skin. As a teenager with oily, spotty skin, I had legs as dry as the Sahara Desert. They were so dry that unless I smothered them in a moisturiser every single day, I had crocodile skin. Ok, so I was living in Africa and …
How Hormone Therapy Can Slow Down Ageing – Part 3
Before embarking on hormone therapy of any description, it’s really important to understand all the risks. I know it’s a bit like a biology session, but I do recommend reading all the info so comprehensively laid out here by Dr Gordon. You will see that risks associated with BHRT are minimal compared to conventional hormone therapy, and in some instances …
How Hormone Therapy Can Slow Down Ageing-Part 2
Why oh why do women lose their waists and become “apples” instead or “pears” with the approach of the menopause? Dr Yehudi Gordon explains and looks at the connection between nutrition and hormones. Nutrition, of course, being something of great interest to me. The truth is that emotions play a large part in how and why we eat. Women have …
How Hormone Therapy Can Slow Down Ageing – Part 1
People often ask me “what is your secret”? I always say there is no secret, just a combination of things that make a huge difference to how one ages. I call it the Toolbox, filled with the tools that build a happy, healthy, youthful body. But the truth is that the decline of hormones is probably the most ageing thing …
Coming Up Roses
It’s always exciting to find a new range of quality skin products and even more exciting to be one of the first to try them out. And this range has a rather lovely story attached to it. Sophie Reynolds grew up watching her grandmother Rosina concoct her own lotions and potions in her kitchen. Rosina was a former dancer at the …
My Favourite New Shampoo
I adore artichokes. While in Spain once, I had one of the most memorable meals of my life that consisted of fresh local fish sautéed with baby artichoke hearts. I’ve never forgotten it. Nothing has ever quite matched that meal but my love of artichokes continues. And although I try to eat as few grains as possible, if I had …
Mushrooms – the new Superfood?
I used to love mushrooms. I’d always order some sort of mushroom dish while eating out. Stuffed mushrooms, mushroom risotto, meat or spaghetti with mushroom sauce, the choices were endless. Then suddenly I went off them. I began to hear that being fungi, they weren’t actually good for you. They caused mucous, they gave you yeast infections, they weren’t quite …
The Staying in Bed Meditation
Having a good nights’ sleep is not only very enjoyable but also essential to our well being and health. Lack of sleep can drive up your weight, impair mental alertness and deprive the body of all the overnight repairs that take place at a cellular level. I know that when I’m tired I feel emotional, am less able to handle …
Why it’s Great to Cook with Coconut Butter
Much has been written about coconut oil and it’s incredible health properties of late (including in my book The In-Sync Diet). One of it’s best features is that it’s good at high temperatures and so is ideal for frying and baking unlike most oils, including olive oil, that go rancid at high temperatures. But what’s the difference between coconut oil …