I am a self-confessed chatterbox. In fact, people often comment on how much I talk. I’m not alone in this. Women are frequently told they talk more than men. In fact, scientists believe that on average, women speak around 20,000 words a day, whereas men speak a paltry 7,000. And while being told we talk too much might not be …
Exercise snacking
Exercise is one of the greatest things we can do for both our health and our mental well being. But it’s not always easy to find the time in our busy lives to do it consistently. This, often coupled with a lack of motivation, can lead to us doing little or no exercise at all. Say hello to exercise snacking …
How to improve your healthspan
Today there’s much talk about health span as opposed to longevity. It’s the amount of time we remain healthy in our lives, with a good quality of living. A very good thing to aspire to. There’s so much we can do to improve our health and therefore our health span. Just about everything I talk about on Ageless is geared …
My 4-step routine to keep me healthy all winter
I share the supplements I take to stay well I’ve always been a believer in active self-care. I began taking ownership of my health in my twenties and embarked on an organic diet and healthy lifestyle. People scoffed at me for eating organically at the time as they couldn’t see the point. Organic vegetables have the same nutritional content as …
How to get a metabolic reset
Taking control of one’s health has become increasingly important and happily, more achievable. It’s also something that I, personally, have been striving to do for many years. Besides the tsunami of winter ailments swirling around right now, the number of people with type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure etc, is increasing every year. The good news is that by …
Supplements I swear by
I am an enthusiastic supplement taker and am convinced that supplements have hugely benefited my health. Today I look at a new brand of supplements called DoSe, the same company that does amazing skincare products at very affordable prices. In the video below I show the four supplements I’ve been trialling and I’m extremely impressed with them all. Magnesium Complex …
6 life-changing lessons I learned in 2024
A challenging year resulted in a crash course in life lessons for me. Here’s my latest article which also appeared in Hello this week. No matter our age, we never stop learning – and this has been truer than ever for me in 2024, a year that has seen me learn many life-changing lessons. Some of this year’s lessons have …
Age will not define me
My articles for Hello seem to be diversifying from my usual topics of health and beauty. So here, after my recent piece on fashion, is the latest one about how ageism affects woman in particular and what we can do about it.
Are all multivitamins the same?
I’ve been an avid supplement taker for many years and believe it’s stood in me in very good stead. I have to confess, however, that I take a LOT of them and it’s cost me a small fortune over the years. I always intend to reduce the amount I take, but then I’ll read something about a vitamin I’m not …
HRT vs bioidentical hormones
The menopause is very much in the news these days. For the first time ever, it’s being spoken about openly and candidly. Menopause symptoms can vary wildly Some women sail through it and others suffer traumatic symptoms. Most women, however, will have some sort of symptoms. These can include hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, depression and joint pain. Hormone …
Why a colonic may benefit you
I have to be honest, I never thought in a million years, that I would get a colonic. Never mind do a video on the subject. And then two things happened. I developed some gut issues and found someone who thought it could help and that I could absolutely trust to do it. Marie Reynolds is renowned for her wonderful …
The 7 daily habits that are my secret to feeling better than ever
My latest article for Hello is live! Below you will find at as published. Enjoy! Glynis Barber is an oracle when it comes to health and wellbeing. As the creator of her website, Ageless by Glynis Barber, the 68-year-old imparts pearls of wisdom on everything from her beauty routine to the supplements she takes and the exercise she favours. In …