Close-up of woman's face

Healthy Skin & Ageing

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 8 Comments

You know how I’m always going on about using natural and organic products on your skin? This article written by nutritionist Fleur Borelli will explain why this is indeed the best choice. We forget that the skin is an organ with many important functions and all the creams and potions in the world will not make it glow or look …

Natural Treatments for Eczema

Glynis BarberBeauty, Skincare 3 Comments

Eczema comes in many forms and few people have escaped suffering from it at some point of their lives. It can flare up when the weather gets cold and heating is constantly on. The effects can vary from mild to quite severe and unfortunately there’s no known cure. Steroid creams are the norm for treating it but long term use …

New Faves from Green People

Glynis BarberSkincare 3 Comments

It’s always a cause for celebration when Green People bring out a new product, so imagine my excitement to be trying out not one but three of them? Beauty Boost Skin Restore This is a wondrous product indeed. It’s designed to give your skin a real boost by stimulating collagen, evening out redness and increasing hydration. It contains Wakame which …

Woman In Her Forties Applying Cream Short

How To Rejuvenate Your Skin

Glynis BarberSkincare Leave a Comment

If you’re anything like me, you will have a tendency to always be looking for that amazing skin product or treatment that will somehow miraculously give you gorgeous skin. And all you will have to do is apply this to your face and that will be that. Perfection. Problem solved. Somewhere along the way, we begin to realise that this …

Niod Group

Cutting Edge Skin Products

Glynis BarberSkincare 8 Comments

I’m about to do something very unusual for me and it feels a bit weird. I’m almost feeling guilty about it but frankly, it has to be done. What can this be, I hear you wonder? Well…the thing is…I’m going to write about a new(ish) range of skin products that are not…gulp….chemical free…or…. completely natural! I know I know. Why, …

An Easy Way To Revitalise Your Skin

Glynis BarberSkincare 3 Comments

If you’re anything like me, the skin on your body is completely different to your facial skin. As a teenager with oily, spotty skin, I had legs as dry as the Sahara Desert. They were so dry that unless I smothered them in a moisturiser every single day, I had crocodile skin. Ok, so I was living in Africa and …

Coming Up Roses

Glynis BarberSkincare Leave a Comment

It’s always exciting to find a new range of quality skin products and even more exciting to be one of the first to try them out. And this range has a rather lovely story attached to it. Sophie Reynolds grew up watching her grandmother Rosina concoct her own lotions and potions in her kitchen. Rosina was a former dancer at the …

My favourite Skin Products

Glynis BarberSkincare Leave a Comment

People often contact me to ask what cleansers, face cream, sun products etc I use. I’ve decided therefore, to compile a list of what products I’m currently using. Thanks to this site, I’m constantly trying new things so my list does change every now and then. However, the products below are all firm favourites, chemical free, often organic and really …