I share the supplements I take to stay well I’ve always been a believer in active self-care. I began taking ownership of my health in my twenties and embarked on an organic diet and healthy lifestyle. People scoffed at me for eating organically at the time as they couldn’t see the point. Organic vegetables have the same nutritional content as …
My top supplements for winter
I’m often asked to share what supplements I take. Now, I do love a supplement, so probably take a LOT more than you would want to. With that in mind, I’m only going to list the ones that I think are essential, especially as we go into winter when immunity is a bit lower and viruses are everywhere. Supplements can …
A powerful and natural flu remedy
I thought I knew all there was to know about anti-viral supplements. For years I’ve been using olive leaf extract and oregano oil to great effect. I’ve withstood many a nasty virus outbreak with these trusty supplements and on the few occasions that I’ve succumbed, my illness was mild. And then Covid hit and the fear was real Some doctors …
Why our relationship with the media is toxic
Intro/About Zoe… Original article link. Could our relationship with the media by the most toxic in our lives? And if so, how is it affecting us? Hypnotherapist, Zoë Clews, takes a good look at this important subject and shows us how to create a healthy balance.