I’ve written about hair loss before but it’s such a distressing and emotional occurrence that’s it’s worth revisiting. Here world renowned trichologist and hair guru, Philip Kingsley, gives us the most common causes for it and more importantly, practical advice on what to do about it. The incidence of hair loss in women is very underestimated: There are as many …
The Perfect Brow
I’ve written before about how transforming and youth-making a beautifully shaped brow can be. Like a little facelift for sure. I myself tattoo my eyebrows after a teenage brow hatchet job went horribly wrong and left me with mismatched skinny tadpoles. However there is now a company, HD Brows, that specialises in making the most perfect brow, tailor made to …
Skincare For Sensitive Skin
It’s truly alarming how many people are having bad reactions to skin products. I have a number of friends who have to be very careful of what they put on their skin. Some people will break out in spots and others have an allergic type reaction coming out in hives or getting red swollen areas, itching or dermatitis. I have …
Is Colouring Bad For Your Hair?
Philip Kingsley, trichologist to the stars and many many others, has now coined my favourite phrase. Closet colourer!! He is assuming that all these closet colourers are men, that they don’t like to admit they colour their hair. I’ve always thought that you can tell a colour job a mile off on a man, because it’s always so obvious. Obviously …
Why I Should Choose Organic Cosmetics
I’ve written about the dangers of toxic chemicals in skin products and how I switched to natural products in the 1990’s (which was quite a challenge as there wasn’t much to choose from). Now there are so many of these products that it’s all quite confusing. However, the quality of these products varies enormously. Many of them have good ingredients …
My Personal Anti-Ageing Journey
Since I started this website, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is to know more about what I do, what I use and what is my secret because surely there must be one? Do I think it’s my genes? And the answer to this is…every single thing I have written about or posted on this website is …
The Latest Organic Skin Products
Since I started this site, I regularly get sent skin products for me to try. Much as I’d like to try them all, it would wreak havoc on my skin if I did. I also have my own routine with my own products ( I’ve written about my favourites) and don’t like to disrupt it too much. So it takes …
Not All Peels Are Created Equal
Exfoliating is a great skin boost and peels are a very effective way of doing this. They can be gentle or they can be extremely intense with down time required. I’ve always loved a good peel! I started with gentle glycolic peels when they first came out and then progressed to ones done in Dr Hunters’ office which leave you …
Why and what chemicals to avoid in skin products
A while ago I wrote about why I prefer to use natural skin products and in another article wrote about some of my favourite brands. (Check out under Skincare in Articles). So what are these nasty chemicals to avoid in skin products and is it really necessary to do so? Firstly let’s just clarify that we are talking about synthetic chemicals …
How to Nourish your Skin
We all know that as we age the appearance of our skin changes, but what exactly causes that and is there anything we can do to slow down the process or even reverse some of the damage? Here Shabir Daya, pharmacist at Victoria Health, explains the process and shows us that yes indeed, there are things we can do. Hoorah! …
Jet Peel
About 18 months ago something strange happened to my usually normal and well behaved skin. It got very, very dry and started flaking alarmingly. I was doing a play at the time and therefore had on a full face of make up every night. Every time I removed the makeup, my skin would come off with it. It was …
Product of the Month – Beauty Blender
I was recently lucky enough to work with top make up artist Ruby Hammer (check out her Ruby & Millie range) on a photo shoot. As you would imagine, she’s a mine of information and knows every trick in the trade. She applied my foundation with a an egg shaped sponge and was adamant this sponge is an absolute must …