I remember going through a phase a long time ago of drinking Apple cider vinegar in warm water every morning. I’d heard it was really good for you but had no idea why. I did it anyway but then got out of the habit. After reading what pharmacist Shabir Daya has to say about it, I think I’m going to start …
Winter Health
Winter is a tough time. Well not if you live in Los Angles or Cape Town or Miami or…… well loads of places but for most of Europe and many other places round the globe, winter is a time of colds, flu, low mood, and also weight gain. Why do these things happen and is there anything we can do …
What Are Bio-Identical Hormones?
Hormones! Like it or not, we women are a slave to them. They can play havoc with our lives and make us utterly miserable. As they decline all sorts of mayhem ensues and did you know waning oestrogen levels ages us and contributes to wrinkly, dry skin? Life is so unfair isn’t? But……..all is not lost. There are things we …
Bee Sting Therapy
I was intrigued to hear that many people, Gwyneth Paltrow included, have been using some sort of bee therapy for health and beauty purposes. What on earth does this entail I wonder? Smothering skin in honey or maybe swallowing bee venom or maybe getting stung (yikes) for therapeutic purposes? I asked Tara Heath, based in Cailfornia, to find out what …
The answer to back pain?
As you may know, a few months ago I put myself into a self imposed bootcamp. For 6 weeks I ate mostly protein, vegetables and a bit of fruit and worked out twice weekly with trainer Rhys Brooks. I’ve always worked out, doing regular trips to the gym as well as yoga. The difference was that I had Rhys twice …
What is sweating all about?
After recently looking at the difference between Bikram and Hot Yoga, both of which leave you sweating buckets, it seems only logical that we should look at sweat! Is a regular heavy sweat good for you? Does it really detoxify you as claimed? OR not at all as one of my hot yoga teachers boldly declared to the class after …
Ways To Boost Your Immunity This Summer
Is it just me or do more and more people seem to be getting colds and flu during the summer? And not just in the UK but everywhere. The last time I visited South Africa (during their summer) I was absolutely amazed at how many people were ill. It seemed like the entire population had a nasty virus whilst under …
How to Avoid Bloating and Indigestion
Ok this is going to be a bit like a biology lesson so get a nice cup of tea, snuggle up and concentrate. Digestive enzymes are very important and decline rapidly with age, stress, if you don’t chew your food properly or if your nutrition is poor. Fortunately you can take Digestive Enzymes as a supplement and I now take …
The Importance of Bacteria
Bacteria have been on this earth longer than humans and were indeed one of the first life forms on the planet. They are very resilient and have even been known to flourish on manned spacecraft. We tend to think of them as gross, dirty and bad. Some, indeed, are very dangerous but others are vital to our survival and to …
The First Year of Ageless
Since the launch of this site just over a year ago, I have posted close to 100 articles. Phew! Not a week has gone by without one and for the first few months there were 2 articles a week. We have covered so many different subjects ranging from the benefits of turmeric to hair loss to the pros and cons …
Keeping the Weight off over Christmas
It’s just inevitable isn’t it? Days of overeating, drinking, slouching on the sofa, TV watching marathons and the pounds piling on. Lovely to let go like that for a week or so but not great to start the new year feeling bloated and in need of a diet. Probably the number one New Years’ resolution is to start a diet. …
I’m Not Grumpy I’m Just…Hormonally Challenged
There’s no escaping it. Sooner or later we ladies get mugged by our hormones. If you happen to have teenage children, or more specifically a teenage daughter at this particular stage of your life……then good luck! As one friends’ daughter said to her, “You didn’t time this very well, did you??” Quite frankly it seems hugely unfair that woman having …