Philip Kingsley talks about hair

Glynis BarberHair Leave a Comment

Skin is not the only thing that suffers as the years go by. Philip Kinglsey is a world renowned trichologist. He has hair clinics in London and New York. Here he gives advice on looking after our “crowning glories”. Hair deteriorates with age. So, what can you do to keep your locks shiny, vibrant, full & healthy? The answer is, …

Boost for eyelashes

Glynis BarberBeauty 2 Comments

Eyelashes seem to get thinner, shorter and paler with time. Restoring them can make a big difference to how one looks. Of course, a lick of mascara can do the trick, but wouldn’t it be nice to have lovely lashes ALL the time? There are now lots of products that darken and lengthen lashes. Some of them make them quite (unnaturally) long …

Nutrition (Part 3) – Organic Food

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition 1 Comment

Ok, so I am one of those hippy dippy types who started eating organically in the mid 1980’s. Me and Prince Charles! It wasn’t easy mind you. There were only a sprinkling of health food stores and they only had a paltry few organic products. Up until then I had eaten pretty badly but I had recently become very interested …


Glynis BarberDiary Leave a Comment

One of the perks of being married to a yank, is that other yanks invite you for Thanksgiving dinner every year. Like Christmas but better! Pumpkin pie and mashed sweet potato with marshmallows on top! (how unfortunate I did an article on sugar this week) Our hosts this year were Philip Kingsley (famous for his amazing hair clinics) and his …

Gillian Julius (jewellery designer)

Glynis BarberWomen Who Inspire Leave a Comment

If only I’d known then what I know now…I would have put away the baby oil, folded the silver reflector, stayed out of the sun and stashed the chocolates , but as we all know hindsight is 20/20 vision!  As an International jewelry designer I find myself constantly on the move , on and off planes, and in situations which …

An Interview with Julia Hunter – Taking Care of Your Skin

Glynis BarberSkincare, Videos 3 Comments

Here (again due to technical difficulties) Julia Hunter MD talks about all the factors that are important in maintaining good skin. She is the number one fan of the Ageless Toolbox!  I just luuurve her southern drawl! Transcript of Julia Hunter’s Interview Okay how is the, what is of the best way to take care of, to prevent, to …

Dangers of artificial sweeteners

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition Leave a Comment

I posted an article on this week on how sugar is bad for us and is to be avoided. I also mentioned that artificial sweeteners are to be avoided at all costs which I think surprised some people. Diet drinks have got to be good, right? Help us keep slim? What’s not to like?

Nutrition (Part 2) – Sugar

Glynis BarberDiet & Nutrition 3 Comments

Personally I love the stuff and have eaten vast quantities in my life. I literally lived on sweets in my youth. But…..sugar is the devil!!!!!!! It is also highly addictive, so it takes determination to conquer it. Not everyone has a sweet tooth of course, but for those of us that do, let’s look at the compelling reasons to beat …