Yup I know…..I go on about yoga and exercise, did a whole series of articles on “The diet that changed my life”, am such a goody two shoes blah blah blah….so how come the top part of my legs are going south and suddenly I’m a little, well, podgier? Mmmmm? Ok, it was a long hard winter and I’ve spent …
Coffee – Does it Deserve it’s Bad Reputation?
I didn’t start drinking coffee until my late twenties and even now only drink a cupacino. However, I tend to drink one every single day! The coffee part, as you will see, could be a good thing, but all that milk, not so much. It’s all about the foam for me. I only enjoy if the foam is just right. …
The Versatility of Coconut
This summer drinking coconut water became the thing to do. It was everywhere, in gyms, supermarkets, health food stores, train stations, even corner shops. It was one helluva take over. I myself, was swigging it non stop in the 3 months I was doing Stepping Out (a dance show) which was very thirsty business. It’s more hydrating than water we …
The Truth (and lies) Behind Food labels
Food companies are out to trick us, manipulate us and get us to buy their products no matter what. Some people just look at the general packaging, make a snap judgement and throw the item into their trolley. Others, attempting to eat healthily, look at the ingredients before doing so. But what to make of these often very long lists of …
The Diet that Changed My Life – Part 7
Fleur – The Journey Towards Good Health and Fitness So by now you are probably realising that all this putting on weight business is a completely normal reaction to our environment. We are designed to eat plenty when food is around to build up reserves for when food is scarce. The problem now is food certainly isn’t scarce and while …
The Diet that Changed my Life – Part 6
Fleur – We can’t trick the brain when it comes to calories Unfortunately we can’t trick the brain when it comes to calories. While the rest of the body relies on glucose and fat as an energy source, the brain gets its energy boost from glucose alone. This doesn’t mean we can stuff ourselves full of sugar because we can …
The Diet that Changed my Life – part 5
Glynis Cholesterol has become a word that frightens us. It’s evil, it causes heart attacks, it’s to be avoided at all costs. However, there is a lot of new thinking on cholesterol and a lot of what we have been told is now known to be wrong. However, it remains a confusing topic and I would say there is more …
The Diet that Changed my Life – part 4
– Fleur – The way we are told to drink water is all wrong! We are all encouraged to stay ahead of thirst. We are told we should keep a bottle of water by our desks and sip it slowly through the day. The sports drinks industry has much to blame for this hydration mania which became a global phenomenon …
The Diet that Changed my Life – Part 3
Fleur – How we can train ourselves to be more resourceful with energy It really is okay to feel hungry. This is just a sign that we need to move around and start foraging. Most of us do not even feel hungry when we have breakfast, it is just something we feel we should do to keep us going. When …
The Diet that Changed my Life – Part 2
Fleur – How our food habits have changed. Nowadays we don’t have to stay hungry for long. We can potter down to our local convenience store and pick something up within minutes of the first hunger pangs. Our incredibly busy lives often mean that cooking is a thing of the past. Why bother when we have everything ready-made at the …