It seems only right that this months product should follow on the heels of last months summery theme! So now that we have lovely tanned legs we need to make sure our feet aren’t letting us down. Talking of heels, don’t you just hate the way heels crack and get all flaky just as you want to spend all your …
Exercise and Fat Loss: The difference between staying fat and shifting fat
Anyone who has been following this site, following me on twitter or watching me on QVC with my yoga DVD, knows that my favourite sentence is…….exercise is the closest thing to an anti-ageing pill! I do very much believe this to be true and there is mounting evidence to support it. We’ve been looking a lot at diet in the …
The Diet that Changed my Life – Part 6
Fleur – We can’t trick the brain when it comes to calories Unfortunately we can’t trick the brain when it comes to calories. While the rest of the body relies on glucose and fat as an energy source, the brain gets its energy boost from glucose alone. This doesn’t mean we can stuff ourselves full of sugar because we can …
How to Nourish your Skin
We all know that as we age the appearance of our skin changes, but what exactly causes that and is there anything we can do to slow down the process or even reverse some of the damage? Here Shabir Daya, pharmacist at Victoria Health, explains the process and shows us that yes indeed, there are things we can do. Hoorah! …
The Diet that Changed my Life – part 5
Glynis Cholesterol has become a word that frightens us. It’s evil, it causes heart attacks, it’s to be avoided at all costs. However, there is a lot of new thinking on cholesterol and a lot of what we have been told is now known to be wrong. However, it remains a confusing topic and I would say there is more …
Gina To (Artist, Designer, Traveler & Food Blogger)
I’ve been blessed in my life. I learned at an early age that the real secret to beauty comes from how you treat others. If you are willing to be kind and generous with your heart, to share a smile, and to appreciate other people’s beliefs you will become a special person. Your gratitude will show in your bones, in …
Product of the Month – Lavera Self – Tanning Lotion
It’s (well meant to be anyway) summertime! I am going on the assumption that the temperature will rise and the sun will come out at some stage. Lots of us will be going away for some part of the summer so at least there is that to look forward to. This means those pasty limbs will be popping out like …
The Diet that Changed my Life – part 4
– Fleur – The way we are told to drink water is all wrong! We are all encouraged to stay ahead of thirst. We are told we should keep a bottle of water by our desks and sip it slowly through the day. The sports drinks industry has much to blame for this hydration mania which became a global phenomenon …
Jet Peel
About 18 months ago something strange happened to my usually normal and well behaved skin. It got very, very dry and started flaking alarmingly. I was doing a play at the time and therefore had on a full face of make up every night. Every time I removed the makeup, my skin would come off with it. It was …
Dempsey and Makepeace ‘nutters’ follow stars to Dundee Rep
Last week I got to share a stage for the first time with my husband. And lovely it was too! However, it was the arrival of fans from all over the world that garnered the most attention. There were articles in the paper on a daily basis about it. Dundee did not know what had hit it! A group of …
The Diet that Changed my Life – Part 3
Fleur – How we can train ourselves to be more resourceful with energy It really is okay to feel hungry. This is just a sign that we need to move around and start foraging. Most of us do not even feel hungry when we have breakfast, it is just something we feel we should do to keep us going. When …