In the wise words of my beloved grandmother (who lived to the ripe old age of 98), “Everything in moderation….including moderation”.
It’s a mantra that has sat comfortably with me most of my life.
I like to be light on my feet and have found a dairy-free, vegetarian diet a clean and beneficial path to follow, but it’s oh-so much easier knowing that I can have the odd indulgence (where would I be without my occasional afternoon tea and cake?).
As for exercise, I’m an outdoors girl, addicted to early morning runs in the park with my trusty, hairy hound by my side. I know I run with a smile on my face, whatever the weather. But then of course, living by Granny’s mantra, the odd snuggle-down pyjama day is yet another treasure.
And as for my soul? Dancing, singing, family, friends, loving and much raucous laughter, this time with abandon and no moderation at all……seem to nourish and sustain me; surely the ultimate anti-ageing tonics?
Maybe this is my moment to say thank you dear Granny for your pearls of wisdom; they most definitely didn’t fall on deaf ears and I honour your teachings with love and gratitude.
Barbara Drennan
Many a wonderful moment has been shared with Barbara. We have laughed, we have cried, and we have clearly been spending too much time together as people keep telling us we look alike, sound alike and must be sisters. We are sisters. Our husbands marvel at how there can possibly be anything left to say to each other…..but there is. We also learn from each other. We are role models for each other and we are always there for each other. We are friends. What can possibly be better than that?