Our HD Brows competition Winner Gets Her Make Over

Glynis BarberDiary 7 Comments

Competition winner - before and afterglynis-and-sarahAfter having a fabulous response to our competition to win a specialist eyebrow make over, courtesy of HD Brows, we found our winner in Sarah Walker. HD Brows founder, Nilam Patel, chose Sarah out of the many entries as she thought her very fair brows would show how this treatment works for everyone.

Sarah’s special day took place at the iBrows clinic in London. First up Sarah was greeted by HD Brows specialist, Rachael Keeley, who took a look at her brows and decided what work was needed. As you can see the finished look is amazing and transforms her face. In fact the photo doesn’t quite show how big a transformation it was. Sarah’s brows were beautifully shaped to suit her petite face and then tinted to a shade slightly darker than her hair which really made her eyes pop.
sarah-with-the-hd-brows-specialistEye and Brow Palette Set

In the middle of all this I popped along to surprise Sarah who I have to say, didn’t look that surprised! Clearly she had sussed I would come along! I wanted to see the results for myself. It also gave me the chance to have a cheeky little look round the iBrows clinic , which turns out to be all about brows and lashes (ok I know, I could’ve guessed). However, I got the lowdown from owner Sandra who’s talked me into having a go with my lashes, so watch this space.

Next Rachael gave Sarah a makeover using HD Brows fabulous brand new make up range. Sarah was also presented with her HD Brows Eye & Brow Pallette.

As you can see Sarah looked absolutely beautiful by the time Rachael had finished with her. The main photo of her after her make over, was taken on my iPhone. No lighting, editing or special effects. I call that quite a result!

If you are interested in finding an HD Brows specialist near you, just click on the link here:

HD Brows 




Sarah our competition winner after having her eyebows HD Browed!fter


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Comments 7

  1. What a fandabblydoious prize 🙂 Sarah you look amazing but the best part was that the Queen of ageless turned up. Such beautiful pics, such an amazing day glad you shared it with us.

  2. J’ai 65ans ,j’ai une leucĂ©mie lymphoĂŻde chronique,une insuffisance aortique et tachycardie supra ventriculaire ,j’ai un traitement important,de plus depuis 2007 j’ai une prothèse de hanche Ă  chaque jambe,j’ai Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ©e en 98 d.une tumeur bĂ©nigne dans le cou,cela fait beaucoup.j’aimerais bien savoir acheter en français ds crèmes anti vieillissement,et des complĂ©ments,je n’arrive pas sur mon iPad Ă  transformer les lires en euros ,je suis sur Google ,mon fils Ă  essayer,sans succès.je suis triste de ça.Glynis je vous apprĂ©cie tellement,je regarde tous les enregistrements sur YouTube de vous et Michael,c.est un honneur de vous avoir sur twitter

    1. Post

      Il y’a beaucoup des articles sur mon site sur les different produits pour le visage et c’est possible les acheter. Si vous aimerais savoir le prix une euros c’est très facile a mettre les numĂ©ros de livre en Google et demander l’equivilant en euros

  3. great to see the transformation pics of an “ordinary” person (mind u #stunningSarah never really ordinary)
    The close up of the brow before and after I found really helpful and illustrated the difference very well

    Really beautiful “after the makeover” pic.
    – There’s noway we could live without our phones now is there?

  4. Great competition, great article and an incredible transformation! Have known Sarah for many years but have never seen her look this wowzer! Was such a fun and interesting day to be a part of. Thank you!

  5. Wow! What a transformation on such a lovely looking lady! I live in France and so decided not to apply for the competition even though I visit monthly to care for my Mother 96yrs – however maybe there will be another chance sometime. My problem is that when I was diagnosed with a form of MS (Transverse Myelitis) my hair producing parts of my body stopped producing and after intense hospital treatment with exceptionally strong doses of iv Steroids/cortisone my hair broke off for quite some time! My eyebrows stopped producing as did my underarms and legs and have continued not to! Well done such an interesting article you write and help so many others – I look forward each time to having a read and benefiting from what you tell us. Thanks 🙂

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