I had the great pleasure of sitting down recently with Grace Fodor, founder of the fabulous Studio 10 makeup range, to have a discussion about that inner critic. We did this for her new StudioLIFE series which she sends out to her subscribers. We actually recorded it live with people listening in and and here it is for you all to see.
This inner voice, whose sole purpose seems to be to sabotage us, is something that most people will be familiar with. In my opinion, I think this is something that women will experience more than men, although it can happen to anyone.
But with maturity, I believe we are more able to silence this voice and recognise it for what it. It’s usually an echo from someone in our lives (probably from childhood) and is the meanest voice we will ever hear.
But here’s the thing, that inner voice is lying
In fact, I’ve previously done three YouTube videos on the subject which are well worth listening to. I refer to many things discussed with the experts in my videos in this talk with Grace.
You can watch them here:
Control your negative and fear-based thoughts
How to silence your inner critic
The pressure to be perfect
These are all very helpful, with lots of advice if you find yourself having a lot of negative thoughts that are derailing you.
And now have a watch of my chat with Grace: