I’ve always been curious about all the many therapies available and have tried a quite a few of them. However, I’ve never tried hypnotherapy but know people who swear by it. So what are the issues that hypnotherapy can treat? When I began to research it, I was astonished at how many things that it claims to help.
I think it’s pretty well known that hypnotherapy can help phobias and addiction but did you know it can also help depression, pain and self esteem issues? Not only that but it can help with one’s romantic life. Always choosing the wrong partner? No problem, hypnotherapy to the rescue.
I decided the best thing to do was sit down with a hypnotherapist and ask her how it all works.
Zoe Clews runs a practice in London on Harley street that has a number of therapists all specialising in different issues. Watch the video the find out which issues hypnotherapy can treat and how it all works.