Whether Or Not To Get The Flu Vaccine

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

Last weeks article on colds and flu sparked a lot of queries on twitter about the flu vaccine. People wanted advice on whether they should get it or not. A lot of people said they get it every year and genuinely believed it stopped them getting ill. Would I personally get it? The answer is no. Perhaps if I was …

How Best to Fight Colds & Flu

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

Colds and flu may be common place but they are a real pain in the neck…and the nose, throat and head! A cold won’t get you any sympathy (on the contrary people will physically back away from you) but can make you feel completely miserable. Not quite ill enough to be in bed, but hard to work properly or enjoy …

Wholistic Dermatolgy – From Health Comes Beauty

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

About 7 years ago a friend sent me to see a friend of hers who had just opened a skin clinic in Los Angeles. The incentive to go was that apparently she was setting out to get great results by using as natural methods as possible. And so I met Dr. Julia Hunter for the first time. There was an …

The Science of Staying Younger

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

Is staying younger really possible? Is it all just a desperate and ultimately futile attempt to hold back the years? Ageing chronologically is inevitable, but being “old” I believe is something we can most definitely do something about. Being older can be very positive. With age comes experience, wisdom, confidence and less agonising (hopefully) over the little stuff, caring less …

10 Tips to Healthy Ageing

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Howard Napper, from his numerous books and DVD’s, is one of the most recognised faces of yoga in the UK. He is also the man who devised the fabulous and highly effective sequence of yoga exercises on my Yoga Secrets DVD. He has recently been specialising in stress and the way we age. He is in fact researching and writing …

Strategies to promote healthy and flexible joints

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You don’t have to be old to suffer from joint pain. I was 18 when I started to get lower back pain and in my 20’s when I started to get problems with my knees (ok that one was probably my fault as I was jogging on hard surfaces). However it only gets worse as the years go by. The …

Inflammation by Fleur Borrelli (nutritionist)

Glynis BarberHealth 4 Comments

Inflammation is a normal function of the body but when it becomes chronic it can cause many diseases and allergic conditions. These can range from hayfever to cancer and even Alzheimer’s. It’s also a major factor in premature ageing. So what’s going on and what is inflammation? Here Fleur Borrelli gives us an understanding of what inflammation actually is. Inflammation …