Not All Peels Are Created Equal

Glynis BarberSkincare Leave a Comment

Exfoliating is a great skin boost and peels are a very effective way of doing this. They can be gentle or they can be extremely intense with down time required. I’ve always loved a good peel! I started with gentle glycolic peels when they first came out and then progressed to ones done in Dr Hunters’ office which leave you …

Why and what chemicals to avoid in skin products

Glynis BarberSkincare 1 Comment

A while ago I wrote about why I prefer to use natural skin products and in another article wrote about some of my favourite brands. (Check out under Skincare in Articles). So what are these nasty chemicals to avoid in skin products and is it really necessary to do so? Firstly let’s just clarify that we are talking about synthetic chemicals …

How to Nourish your Skin

Glynis BarberSkincare 10 Comments

We all know that as we age the appearance of our skin changes, but what exactly causes that and is there anything we can do to slow down the process or even reverse some of the damage? Here Shabir Daya, pharmacist at Victoria Health, explains the process and shows us that yes indeed, there are things we can do. Hoorah! …

Jet Peel

Glynis BarberTreatments Leave a Comment

  About 18 months ago something strange happened to my usually normal and well behaved skin. It got very, very dry and started flaking alarmingly. I was doing a play at the time and therefore had on a full face of make up every night. Every time I removed the makeup, my skin would come off with it. It was …

DNA Anti-Ageing Test

Glynis BarberSkincare Leave a Comment

This is the world’s first in-store DNA test and is right up my street. I love a bit of science and also the the idea of finding out if my DNA is helping or hindering with the ageing process. So when the the Organic Pharmacy invited me to go along and try it out, I jumped at the chance. Would …

Men’s Skincare

Glynis BarberMen, Skincare Leave a Comment

To my absolute delight it seems we have quite a few men following the site and now they are demanding more! They too want to know what’s best for their skin and what they should be looking out for. So here, specially for all you hunks out there (and remember you are a hunk in your Mum’s eyes whatever anybody …

Hair Loss in Women

Glynis BarberHair 3 Comments

Hair loss is one of the topics that has been repeatedly requested for me to cover. We all know that this is a frequent problem for men but it’s also a frequent and very upsetting problem for women. Why does it happen and more importantly is there anything we can do to stop it? Shabir Daya (pharmacist at Victoria Health) …

Favourite Natural Skincare products

Glynis BarberSkincare 3 Comments

As I’ve written before I prefer to use products on my skin that are either organic and/or with as few synthetic chemicals as possible. We’re so lucky that these days we have such a wonderful range to choose from. Here are some of my favourites that I have used at different times over the years: Neal’s Yard They are true …

Organic Pharmacy’s Rose Balm

Glynis BarberBeauty Leave a Comment

When I met Margo and Franco Marrone from the Organic Pharmacy the other week, they were launching their new Rose Balm. I have since fallen in love with this little pot of heaven. I have become addicted to the glorious smell (rose infused with argan, calendula, rose hip and more) and have no idea what people must think of me …