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How to improve your healthspan

Glynis BarberHealth Leave a Comment

Today there’s much talk about health span as opposed to longevity. It’s the amount of time we remain healthy in our lives, with a good quality of living. A very good thing to aspire to.

There’s so much we can do to improve our health and therefore our health span. Just about everything I talk about on Ageless is geared towards this. Exercise, nutrition, stress management and also supplements.

Today’s video is dedicated to supplements that can help take our health to another level

I talk to the founder of Rejuvenated, Kathryn Danzey, as longevity and health span is the key focus of the company. Their supplements are unique in that each product is not just one vitamin or mineral, but rather a combination of things specially designed for a specific area of health.

Rejuvenated are best known for their award winning Collagen Shots

However, they have some other truly amazing products that are equally as good.

Here are all the ones we talk about the in the video:

Collagen Shots

Collagen strengthens all our connective tissue, muscles, joints, ligaments, our digestive system, our heart and brain as well as our skin. It’s something that declines dramatically with age and supplementation is highly advisable.


H3O Hydration

If cells are properly hydrated they don’t deteriorate in the same way. This hydrates on a cellular level and brings energy to the cells.



A groundbreaking product that contains NMN which switches on the energy levels in the cells again and stimulates the production of NAD+, often referred to as the fountain of youth and which declines as we age.


Cellular Calm Complex

Helps to calm the mind and supplies energy to the cells so that they can deal with stress. This way the cells are less damaged by stress. A truly amazing product that works at a cellular level.



This helps to reset the metabolism to a healthy level and helps balance blood sugar levels. It’s also a valuable weight loss aid.


Protein Smoothie

Contains organic pea protein with medium chain triglycerides, green tea and inulin. It’s good for your gut health and a great way to make sure you get enough protein. A  good option for vegans.


Find out all you need to know about these in the video below:

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