Glynis Barber

6 life-changing lessons I learned in 2024

Glynis BarberBeauty, Health 6 Comments

A challenging year resulted in a crash course in life lessons for me. Here’s my latest article which also appeared in Hello this week.

No matter our age, we never stop learning – and this has been truer than ever for me in 2024, a year that has seen me learn many life-changing lessons.

Some of this year’s lessons have had a profound effect on me and some have positively impacted my health. Others have saved me pennies!

Even though some of these lessons have come from challenging situations, I’m grateful for them all.

Gratitude is, of course, the universal lesson that everyone will benefit from. I spent many a night this year, naming three things I was grateful for that day.

It’s amazing that, no matter how difficult life feels, there’s always something to be grateful for. And you will feel so much better for remembering these things.

1. Sometimes you have to let go

Contrary to my messy younger self, with every passing year, I have become more and more organised.

I like to prepare in advance and get things done. I operate efficiently and at a fast pace and find that working this way means less anxiety and stress. It makes me feel in control of things.

This year, however, the universe had other plans for me. The problem with being in control and uber organised is… other people. I find that most of the women in my peer group are similar to me in the organisation stakes, but then there are men… and younger people. And they see things very, very differently.

This year saw big changes in our family with, among other things, younger people moving away. I envisioned I would be a part of their move and continue organising from afar. However, that’s not how it worked out at all. I had to learn to let go and above all, to be patient.

I know that patience is a virtue, but I am the most impatient person on the planet. I like to get things done – pronto. I’ve always known this is not my strong point, but this year I discovered that I had no choice but to adapt. I had to learn how to be patient or combust. It’s one of the biggest lessons of my life.

Patience is about accepting that we can’t control everything around us. That everyone is different and we all live life at a different pace. That everyone should be free to make their own decisions, even bad ones. It’s about letting things run their natural course, no matter how slow or how differently we envision them.

Patience has therefore been my number one lesson this year. And to be honest, it’s about time!

2. I’m stronger than I thought

It’s been a challenging year in many unexpected ways and much of it has been completely out of my control. There were moments of such intense stress that I wasn’t sure how to navigate it mentally. But navigate it I did. I learned that I am stronger and more resilient than I realised.

I surprised myself.

It was truly gratifying to learn that a lifetime of ups and downs, has had a profound and lasting effect. As they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. This year I came to see that clearly.

3. I learned to exercise according to my body’s real needs

I believe that in times of stress, it’s important to be aware of your body’s needs and follow your instincts. For this reason, I ended up making big changes to the way I exercise.

After always exercising quite strenuously, I realised that some days, all my body needs is a gentle walk. Work has kept me busy the last few years and hitting the gym three or four days a week no longer felt what was best for me.

I decided to listen to my body and be guided by it. I remain active, but my workouts are shorter, usually done at home and I often just go for a walk instead.

The fact is, strenuous exercise can increase cortisol levels which will play havoc if you’re already feeling stressed.

Walking in nature has the opposite effect which is why I’ve so often chosen this option in the past year. It’s taken quite a shift in my thinking after many decades of going full throttle when it comes to exercise. I know this is right for me now.

4. Your diet helps keep you focused and calm

This year, I also decided to tackle gut issues I have through diet. I’ve always believed that in times of stress, eating healthily becomes even more important.

Stress can be depleting, so it’s important to replace vital nutrients through foods as well as supplements. I decided to put this into action this year as I faced all my challenges.

For around four months, I completely cut out sugar, processed foods and cooked from scratch as much as I could. It’s amazing the difference it makes. Eating healthily clears brain fog, gives your energy a boost and helps with sleep.

Even though I’m now back to my normal eating habits (mostly healthy with a few lapses), this really set me up for all my challenges.

5. I discovered how to sleep better

Sleep is paramount to good health and is crucial for combatting stress. I discovered that to sleep well, I need to go to bed earlier.

After a lifetime of pottering around until midnight and then reading until 1am or later, my sleep was becoming more and more erratic.

I noticed that the earlier I went to bed, the better I slept. I still like to potter around, so I have to be disciplined about it. I make sure that I’m in bed no later than 11pm and if I can manage earlier, even better.

Midnight seems to be the magic hour and I make sure my light is always off before then. This has transformed the quality of my sleep. The only problem now is that when I go out, all I want to do is get home in time to go to bed early!

6. You don’t have to spend a fortune on skincare

We tend to think that the more expensive a product is, the better it will be. I believed this to be true of skincare for many years, but now I know differently.

Over the years, I’ve tried many skincare products in all price ranges for my Ageless by Glynis Barber website.

I’ve learned that cheaper products often contain similar, if not the same ingredients as pricier products.

The most important thing to look for in skincare is active ingredients. If a cheaper product has these, they will be just as effective as more expensive brands and you will see the same results. These are the ingredients that will make a real difference to your skin, especially to mature skin.

Some of the ingredients to look for are antioxidants, vitamin C, AHAs, retinols and pure facial oils. This year a brand called DoSe was launched that proves the point. The products contain all the active ingredients you need, at brilliant prices.

DoSe Skincare

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Comments 6

  1. Happy new Year Glynis
    I totally understand your challenges last year, I am also thoroughly organised and impatient , and it can grossly annoy my loved ones . I also expect everyone else to be the same, and of course they are not .

    Similar challenges young ones making decisions that I cannot control and feel are bad decisions, I have to sit back and watch what happens, and it can be so worrying , these decisions have changed my life as well, and again I cannot control this. I have to learn how to live with these things , as you are doing.
    Thank you for your honesty and sharing these things, it’s wonderful to learn how you are coping, and making life seem a little more hopeful for us all.

    1. Hi Glynis,
      I just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy New Year and to thank you for all the emails you send out to us with all your informative information.

      As we all are so busy as I know you must be, I really appreciate all your news you send through to us.

      With best wishes and kindest regards,
      Dawn Chappell x

  2. This has been a most challenging year for me with one son (a house husband) after 16 years of marriage and 2 children had been thrown out by his wife, with no where to go came home plus the children 4 and 6years 50% of the time!
    Having been so run down I have been
    catching everything going and to finish it off, wrote my car off with a falling tree!
    I had been going to the gym for extensive workouts but I have to agree with you, I think it became too much and I’m looking to do little and often this year. I have also commenced a journal, hopefully to create a ‘gratitude’ list rather than dwelling on the negatives!
    Thank you Glynis for your insightful articles, I always enjoy them

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  3. Hi Glynis
    My biggest challenge in ’24 was learning gratitude for an opportunity given to me when I thought all was lost even though some days are tough I never forget now how grateful I am to have received the chance.
    Sleep is a big issue I too love to read into the small hours I find it hard to switch off mentally to escaping into a book helps but then I have to just read one more chapter 😆. I do need to take your example and set a time limit.
    Thankyou for your articles , posts always interesting informative and relatable. Wishing you a very Happy New Year x J

    1. Post

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