Loose Women Group Photo with Glynis

Glynis on Loose Women

Glynis BarberPress, Stress Management 2 Comments

I’m used to being interviewed on TV about my acting work, but these days people are also wanting to talk about Ageless. Which makes me happy. I love talking about health and the many, many topics I’ve covered on Ageless.

This week I was on Loose Women with Ruth Langsford, Coleen Nolan, Janet Street-Porter and Brenda Edwards. The ladies were incredibly welcoming and lovely. I’ve been a guest on Loose Women a number of times before and was once even on the panel, but not for awhile. It was lovely to be back.

The interviews always go frustratingly quickly but we managed to fit in a chat about meditation and stress management, ageing and wellness. Plus my imminent departure from Hollyoaks!

In case you missed it and would like to see, I’ve posted it below.

Share the knowledge!

Comments 2

  1. It would be lovely to see you back on Loose Women, you could contribute so much information for mature ladies on how to keep fit and healthy and look their best for their age.

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