Until recently I’d completely neglected my décolleté and was shocked to see how lined it was when I looked in the mirror one day. This area is one of the first to show signs of age so it really is important to take care of it. How lucky that I struck gold with the first one I tried.
After deciding to take action, I sought expert advice and tried out this one by Neostrata. To my delight and amazement, there was a noticeable smoothing of the chest area within a few weeks.
The price is quite high (don’t forget to put in the code for your discount!) but I only use it in the evening, rather than the recommended twice a day. It lasted me a good 4 months and I was thrilled with the results.
I apply the cream from the breast area upwards, covering the whole chest area up to and including the neck.
Price: £67.00
Get a 5% discount by using the code: GLYN2021