Age Defy Retinal Booster Serum in Hands

An organic retinal has landed

Glynis BarberDiary Leave a Comment

As we age, our body’s have less and less collagen. By the time we’re 60 we’ve lost an astonishing 80% of our collagen!

This is the very reason that we get wrinkles

Collagen is vital, not only for skin and hair, but for every other part of our body as well. From our heart to our brain to our joints.

I like to do a two-pronged attack:

1. Consume collagen to maintain your levels. A collagen supplement and bone broth are the two best sources of collagen.

There are many collagen supplements to choose from but the one that I like is called Collagen Shots. It contains high quality ingredients and is very pleasant tasting (many of them taste awful)


2. Use skin products that boost collagen and increase cell turnover

The very best product for this is a retinoid. BUT many are hard to tolerate which can result in dry and flaky skin. The new generation of retinoids are less irritating however and now, Green People have launched a non-irritating ORGANIC retinal. I’ve tried it out and can confirm that’s it’s very gentle and also hydrating. And the fact that it’s completely natural is a big tick for me.


In the interview below, I chat to the inspirational founder of Green People, Charlotte Vøhtz. She explains exactly how they formulated the retinal naturally. She also explains why a retinAl is much less irritating than a retinOl. I hadn’t yet tried the product when we spoke, but I have now and am a big fan of it. I’ve been using it every other day but will change that to nightly now, as it’s so gentle.

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