My polynucleotide treatment

Glynis BarberBeauty, Treatments Leave a Comment

There’s a real buzz going around at the moment about a facial treatment using salmon DNA, formally known as polynucleotide. These are the building blocks of DNA and RNA.

It involves injections of fragments of naturally sourced DNA (mostly fish) in targeted areas of the face to stimulate collagen and elastin. This helps to regenerate the skin, improve hydration as well as the texture and appearance of the skin.

People are going crazy for it as they are seeing great results

I asked Dr Khan at the The Harley St Skin Clinic if he thought I was a suitable candidate and he thought it would be a great treatment for me. And so I decided to give it a try.

I ended up doing three treatments. Dr Khan explains that, technically, one should do one for each decade of your age, which means I should’ve done six. However, it depends on your overall health and the quality of your skin. After three, I felt I’d done enough.

Check out the results in the video below:

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