Grace and Glynis

How to wear metallic eyeshadow at any age (video)

Glynis BarberBeauty, Make Up 6 Comments

I love a bit of sparkle. A shimmery sheen to the eye can be very flattering and is great for when a bit of glamour is called for. But our skin changes with age and so does what will suit us.

I believe that the ageing process is all about adapting

It means finding the things that enhance the positives and play down the not so positives. Sparkly makeup is a good example.

Glitter should be avoided at all costs

It’s just not going to look good. What we need is a nice sophisticated, glowing sheen.

So, I decided to see what Studio 10 has to offer and sat down with founder, Grace Fodor, to check out her fabulous version of a bit of sparkle.

It’s called Liquid Foil I-Radiance and as you would expect from Studio 10, it perfectly complements a mature face and is drop dead gorgeous.

It’s super glamorous and I’m a bit obsessed with it

Since making this video a few months ago, I now wear it almost on a daily basis. Day and night. In the video I say it’s more for night, but have since completely embraced it during the day. I wear a light layer for the day (it brightens and lifts the eye and is so flattering) and for night I build up the layers.

The thicker the layer, the more glamorous the look

It comes in two gorgeous colours SABLE and MINK. I love both the colours but mostly wear SABLE (which has a more golden tone and really brightens the eye) but also love the other colour MINK, which is a more intense mushroom tone. Great for a smokey eye.

You can check out the product here:

Liquid Foil I-Radiance

The video is FILLED with loads of fabulous makeup tips from Grace, so I urge you to watch all the way through.

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Comments 6

  1. Hi Glynis, just found you and watched your video with doll 10 founder, the metallic eyeshadow look brilliant, but what do you wear on the upper eye?

    1. Post

      By the upper eye do you mean under the brows? I just put a bit of foundation all over the upper eye as a base. I use the Liquid Foil only on the lid and that’s it. I add the eye liner and all done. Nothing else added on area under the brow.

  2. Hi, I am a young 70byear old and still love smoky eye shadow. Is there an eye shadow that does not crease that you would reccomend.
    Kind regards

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      I love the Liquid Foil by Studio 10. It goes on as a liquid and stays put. But only use on the lid and no higher. It gives a gorgeous glow to the lid. You’ll find it in the Ageless Shop.

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